So, I already know I need to have my gallbladder removed, but I *haven't had an attack since I got preggers*. Not serious ones anyways, little discomfort, but if i drink lots of water it goes away. Well last night I had that same kind of sensation right under my right breast....up higher than normal, but I thought maybe because I am pregnant the uterus is pushing up my gall bladder??? Any one know if that happens? It was quite uncomfortable (and at work ), but I drank my water and it went away . Thanks for any info.
My fiance just had her GB removed last Thursday. I get that you probably don't want to have surgery now to remove yours. So lotsa water and low-fat foods. Also make sure that you're getting plenty of fiber in your diet... like add metamucil or something like that.
Good luck with the rest of your pg and I hope that you don't get anymore attacks while ur pg.
Good luck with the rest of your pg and I hope that you don't get anymore attacks while ur pg.