COLIC!!! I'm going crazy here!!!
My suggestion is the vacuum cleaner. We actually blew up 3 vacuum cleaners before I found the website They have an area where you can download different sounds like hair dryer, vacuum, washer, etc. We made a CD of this sound & looped it to play continuously. The trick is that is has to be louder than their cry (as loud as an actual vacuum). The sound/vibration soothes the baby. I know this sounds crazy, but it works. Those sound machines are not loud enough. Lily was sooo colicky that I almost couldn't take anymore. I would be in tears & just hand her to my husband & say please do something. BTW, she was already on Zantac for reflux & after 6 months of breastfeeding, she was on Similac Sensitive. So, it wasn't reflux or Lactose intolerance. After so many days & nights without sleep one starts to become irrational. So, the vacuum was like a gift from God. I play ours on a stereo in the bedroom. It is also wonderful because the baby can't hear any background noise. So, nothing wakes them. I am not ashamed to say that, 4 years later, we still sleep with the vacuum CD. It still does the trick. My newest edition, Kinsley, sleep through the night with the help of our magic CD. I do not play it @ nap time. So, she knows the difference between nap time & nighttime. I hope this helps !!! Some of my friends & family call me crazy, BUT I'm crazy & well rested : )
Ralph Z.
on 4/10/11 2:57 pm
on 4/10/11 2:57 pm
Hi Gina,
My 1st one had colic - it drove me insane. I did what you are doing, mycolin,gripe water - nothing seemed to help or sooth him.
If you are breast feeding, maybe changing to a powder
(like . Similac Expert Care™ Alimentum® starts to reduce colic symptoms* in most babies in just 24 hours) -
just to see if it settles her.- Ijust copied an pasted that - I know stores have their own brands etc. - it says that one is for babies who are protein intolerant - I'm not sure how we find out, I guess some babies are far more sensitive with their tummies than others.
ps -to anyone intersted in flaming me, I am not saying "don't breastfeed" - I am just giving an option to see if it helps sooth the baby. Also, I don't work for similac or anyone else (I am a SAHM) I havejust researched all these options myself incase I get another colicky baby. This time I want to be prepared and not so overwhelmed.
Becky xxxxx
My 1st one had colic - it drove me insane. I did what you are doing, mycolin,gripe water - nothing seemed to help or sooth him.
If you are breast feeding, maybe changing to a powder
(like . Similac Expert Care™ Alimentum® starts to reduce colic symptoms* in most babies in just 24 hours) -
just to see if it settles her.- Ijust copied an pasted that - I know stores have their own brands etc. - it says that one is for babies who are protein intolerant - I'm not sure how we find out, I guess some babies are far more sensitive with their tummies than others.
ps -to anyone intersted in flaming me, I am not saying "don't breastfeed" - I am just giving an option to see if it helps sooth the baby. Also, I don't work for similac or anyone else (I am a SAHM) I havejust researched all these options myself incase I get another colicky baby. This time I want to be prepared and not so overwhelmed.
Becky xxxxx
My din had colic for 18 hours a day for three months. If your daughter is doing fine at other feedings throughout the day and not arching back, kicking legs out, and spitting up bad then I would say it is not lactose intolerance of reflux.
Regarding colic the five S's are the livesaver: Suck, Swaddle, Sway, Sound ("dishing"), and swat. I watched the Happpiest Baby on The Block as well. Aiden had to be wrapped tight with a paci me swatting his butt while swaying him and saying "sh sh sh" to stop the insane screaming. Also, his swing was my lifesaver those first three months. There were MANY nights that I slept in the recliner while he slept in his swing swaddled up.
I know how hard it is. It will just automatically get better one day. Just find what works. But with true colic give the gas drops and follow the Five S's and it does make it better.
Regarding colic the five S's are the livesaver: Suck, Swaddle, Sway, Sound ("dishing"), and swat. I watched the Happpiest Baby on The Block as well. Aiden had to be wrapped tight with a paci me swatting his butt while swaying him and saying "sh sh sh" to stop the insane screaming. Also, his swing was my lifesaver those first three months. There were MANY nights that I slept in the recliner while he slept in his swing swaddled up.
I know how hard it is. It will just automatically get better one day. Just find what works. But with true colic give the gas drops and follow the Five S's and it does make it better.
I just wanted to send some support your way, I have been there. My daughter was colic for 6 months and I could not believe the feelings that go through you. Let no one make you feel bad about how you feel, unless they are in your place they have no right to challenge your feelings. I am sure everyone can agree that we love our children but don't always have to like them. lol
I remember crying and giving my husband our daughter, and saying just take her, please for 5 min. just take her in another room. It works to give you a moment to regain your mind and relize this chid is just as unsure about what is going on, as you are.
Also please take a moment to understand that you are a good mother, you are trying to figure out what to do to make it better and that it does take time, I know that's not what you want to hear right now, but it does. Just believe in yourself !!!! Sending good sleeping vibes and prayers your way !!!!
I remember crying and giving my husband our daughter, and saying just take her, please for 5 min. just take her in another room. It works to give you a moment to regain your mind and relize this chid is just as unsure about what is going on, as you are.
Also please take a moment to understand that you are a good mother, you are trying to figure out what to do to make it better and that it does take time, I know that's not what you want to hear right now, but it does. Just believe in yourself !!!! Sending good sleeping vibes and prayers your way !!!!
Gina! So sorry you're having to go through this. It's all exhausting enough without all the crying that seems like we are helpless to stop. It's hard to see our LO's in discomfort!
But I just wanted to say that my son acted the same way at about the same time of day. He seemed okay throughout the rest of the day. I suspected a milk protein problem since my mom, my two sisters and myself all have severe lactose intolerance. He was switched to soy formula, and was like a new baby. He's still on soy (5 months old now). I tried to wean him to regular formula about 6 weeks ago and he didn't seem to have any stomach issues with it, but it made him break out in hives! Yikes! Back to soy for us...
Hope it gets better for you!
But I just wanted to say that my son acted the same way at about the same time of day. He seemed okay throughout the rest of the day. I suspected a milk protein problem since my mom, my two sisters and myself all have severe lactose intolerance. He was switched to soy formula, and was like a new baby. He's still on soy (5 months old now). I tried to wean him to regular formula about 6 weeks ago and he didn't seem to have any stomach issues with it, but it made him break out in hives! Yikes! Back to soy for us...
Hope it gets better for you!
RNY 08/16/05
Weight day of surgery 222
Lost 100 pounds in about 10 months
Pre-pregnancy weight 126
Delivery day weight 166
Currently 118
Baby Gage born 11/02/10
Thank you so much Ladies!!! I've gotten a lot of great ideas from you all and it's nice to not feel judged for the way I feel. You guys rock!!! Well today she's been a lot better, as I did switch to Soy formula for her supplemental feedings, as I breats feed and supplement. She's slept a total of 7 hours today and it's 3:55PM EST right now. I've managed to get in a good 4 hours, as I had to pump and do some light housework. I feel much better and I pray we have more days like this.