Water broke 20 weeks
true.. they cant refuse you... but do you think an un insurd person will get the same treatment as a middle class insured person? if you do.. you are wrong... very wrong...yes drs take an oath to do no wrong.. but so do cops, firefighers, and other public "servents".. and most of the cops i know are liars, corrupt, and have no busn being in the force... and i promise that if a paramedic was givin a choice between the drunk dirty crazy homeless guy with a belly ache.. and the clean fancy rich person with a belly ache... they will choose the clean fancy rich person..
Well she's married and has insurance. So why is this even an issue?
There is a huge difference between a paramedic delaying a smelly homeless guy treatment for his stomachach and a woman with PRROM laying in the hosptal being told they cannot help her baby who is not even born yet.
My husband is a police officer and while I admit some of his friends have questionable ethics during their own personal time, I have never seen anyone jepordize their job. This is really gettting off the subject...that some people are questioning the hospital's advice to someone who is 20 weeks pregnant.....and, insured.
There is a huge difference between a paramedic delaying a smelly homeless guy treatment for his stomachach and a woman with PRROM laying in the hosptal being told they cannot help her baby who is not even born yet.
My husband is a police officer and while I admit some of his friends have questionable ethics during their own personal time, I have never seen anyone jepordize their job. This is really gettting off the subject...that some people are questioning the hospital's advice to someone who is 20 weeks pregnant.....and, insured.
Believe what you may but when I was admitted last night they gave me an ultrasound to see if there was any fluid left. The ultrasound showed that all of my fluid was gone. I was told to wait for my doctor to go over my options. My doctor came this morning and told us that our baby has a slim to none chance and that I could get infected and even die if she stayed in any longer. me and my husband are confused about everything but this is our first baby so we are trusting our doctors. He also brought in a specialist that explained the same things to us.
I would request immediate transfer to a Level Three hospital, and request to speak with a Perinatologist and Neonatologist. They are better equipped to answer your questions and provide options than a standard OB. What hospital are you at? I am more than willing to look in your area for the closest option for you
i wouldnt take that for an answer.. call around.. there HAS to be a bigger hospital... if your not contracting... and your not dialiating... i wouldnt let them induce... you just need 4 more weeks and your baby has a hell of a fighting chance ... you are her only protection right now... is her heart beat still strong?... if i were you.. and im thankful im not.. i would call around.. to bigger.. better hospitals... you must fight for her... your the only thing she has... why would you die? because infection? if there is no infection now.. that argument is void.. you must be proactive. worry about infection when you get one... like i said.. you only need FOUR weeks... thats it... 28 days.
Then you need to call another doctor, b/c that is not your only option unless your cord has prolapsed or you already have an infection.
I am sorry if this is really happening to you, but some of what you are saying just does not make sense to someone who has been in the position of having their water break before viability.
I am sorry if this is really happening to you, but some of what you are saying just does not make sense to someone who has been in the position of having their water break before viability.
This is the hardest decision anyone could make. It happened to me...my water broke at 18 weeks...they wanted me to terminate right away. I chose to stick it out..was put on antibiotics and ended up being induced at 34 weeks. She was actually able to breathe but died at a day old of massive lung infection. Basically what they thought would kill her didn't, but they couldn't determine if not having a lot of fluid to mature her lungs contributed to her infection.
I'm not trying to scare you, just give some facts. Any dr is probably going to want you to terminate because they are putting your life first, as they should, and you are at high risk of contracting a deadly infection. But it is doable, the outcome is just uncertain.
I wouldn't wish this on anyone...I'm sorry...
I'm not trying to scare you, just give some facts. Any dr is probably going to want you to terminate because they are putting your life first, as they should, and you are at high risk of contracting a deadly infection. But it is doable, the outcome is just uncertain.
I wouldn't wish this on anyone...I'm sorry...