Question about Mirena IUD
So I had the Mirena IUD in after my 2nd child was born 4 1/2 yrs ago (pre-op when I was heavier) and nursed my baby for a year. Once I started weaning her, I got af back a little and then nothing. I then had the RNY done in June '08 and didn't have periods at all until like 5 months post op and I had lost like 80 lbs. I then started having ligher than normal periods every month, minus the PMS symptoms (thanks to Mirena). I then had my IUD taken on in May of 2009 and got pg 2 months later in July.
So I had the IUD put in after the birth of my 3rd kid last April (at my 6 wk PP visit) and did fine. I actually stopped bleeding after that finally and then once the IUD was in, started bleeding again (which was expected for a few months like I did last time and from what I've read). But from May until October (so 6 months), I was constantly having to wear a pad because I was always having a period- whether it be a light, medium, or heavy one- just always having a period!!
Plus, I had to go on Zoloft for PPD in July and then went off that in October and was fine. I've had to do that after my other 2 babies too, just go on zoloft for 3-6 months and then go off and was fine. I complained to my ob/gyn that my period was all over the place and it had been 6 months and it should be evening out by now, so he agreed to put me on Lo-Estrin (one of the lowest forms of bcp out there) and maybe that would help. So I was on that in the end of Sept, then through the end of Nov (so 3 months).
I went off it in the end of Nov and two weeks later in the first week of Dec, had some MAJOR mood swings, some anxiety and depression, and two periods in December. I finally had a meltdown on Christmas morning to hubby like 15 minutes before the kids came out to see what Santa had brought them (I had hardly slept that night since my oldest kept getting up and then I couldn't go back to sleep after like 2 am) and told my hubby that I was having some depression, anxiety, and trouble sleeping. By then, with not sleeping well for 2-3 weeks and the stress of Christmas, I just lost it that day!!!!
I also had upped my dosage of b12 from 1,000 mcg to 2,5000 mcg in the beginning of Dec an noticed about a week later I was having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. By the end of Dec, I was having severe insomnia (but thankfully had a Rx sleep aid to help me sleep). I ended up going off the higher dose of b12 and back to 1,000 mcg and it took about 4-5 weeks to get my sleep back to normal.
I called my ob/gyn in the end of Dec and he put me back on the Lo-Estrin pill and gave me an Rx for 6 months. I had some blood work done in the end of Dec and everything looked fine, except my b12 levels had doubled (from 1,000 to over 2,000) and to me, my estrogen and progesterone were off balance with each other, but the dr said it was fine. I honestly think I have a hormonal issue and going off this bcp caused all those symptoms to appear. So for now, I'm going to stay on the Lo-Estrin for a bit and see how I do. I tried not taking the 3rd pack just a few weeks ago, but some feelings of depression started creeping up, so I started the 3rd pack.
Does anyone know if the Mirena IUD can cause depression? I read online that it's rare, but in some cases it can cause depression and anxiety in some people. I was fine when I went off the zoloft back in October and then the other 2 times after i had my other 2 babies. It's when I went off the Lo-Estrin that I had the problems. I don't want to get it out if that's not the problem though, because that is the only form of bc we have right now and I DON'T want to ever get pg again!! I get PPD too bad each time and we already have 3 kids now and I know we're done!
What other forms of bcp are safe for RNY'ers to do besides the pill? I know we don't absorb the bcp as well post op, that we malabsorb it. But if I do decide to get the mirena out, I might have to have hubby get the big "V" and then I heard it takes 6 months for him to start shooting blanks- so we'd have to be really careful in those 6 months.
Thanks for any help, comments, or advice!
So I had the IUD put in after the birth of my 3rd kid last April (at my 6 wk PP visit) and did fine. I actually stopped bleeding after that finally and then once the IUD was in, started bleeding again (which was expected for a few months like I did last time and from what I've read). But from May until October (so 6 months), I was constantly having to wear a pad because I was always having a period- whether it be a light, medium, or heavy one- just always having a period!!
Plus, I had to go on Zoloft for PPD in July and then went off that in October and was fine. I've had to do that after my other 2 babies too, just go on zoloft for 3-6 months and then go off and was fine. I complained to my ob/gyn that my period was all over the place and it had been 6 months and it should be evening out by now, so he agreed to put me on Lo-Estrin (one of the lowest forms of bcp out there) and maybe that would help. So I was on that in the end of Sept, then through the end of Nov (so 3 months).
I went off it in the end of Nov and two weeks later in the first week of Dec, had some MAJOR mood swings, some anxiety and depression, and two periods in December. I finally had a meltdown on Christmas morning to hubby like 15 minutes before the kids came out to see what Santa had brought them (I had hardly slept that night since my oldest kept getting up and then I couldn't go back to sleep after like 2 am) and told my hubby that I was having some depression, anxiety, and trouble sleeping. By then, with not sleeping well for 2-3 weeks and the stress of Christmas, I just lost it that day!!!!
I also had upped my dosage of b12 from 1,000 mcg to 2,5000 mcg in the beginning of Dec an noticed about a week later I was having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. By the end of Dec, I was having severe insomnia (but thankfully had a Rx sleep aid to help me sleep). I ended up going off the higher dose of b12 and back to 1,000 mcg and it took about 4-5 weeks to get my sleep back to normal.
I called my ob/gyn in the end of Dec and he put me back on the Lo-Estrin pill and gave me an Rx for 6 months. I had some blood work done in the end of Dec and everything looked fine, except my b12 levels had doubled (from 1,000 to over 2,000) and to me, my estrogen and progesterone were off balance with each other, but the dr said it was fine. I honestly think I have a hormonal issue and going off this bcp caused all those symptoms to appear. So for now, I'm going to stay on the Lo-Estrin for a bit and see how I do. I tried not taking the 3rd pack just a few weeks ago, but some feelings of depression started creeping up, so I started the 3rd pack.
Does anyone know if the Mirena IUD can cause depression? I read online that it's rare, but in some cases it can cause depression and anxiety in some people. I was fine when I went off the zoloft back in October and then the other 2 times after i had my other 2 babies. It's when I went off the Lo-Estrin that I had the problems. I don't want to get it out if that's not the problem though, because that is the only form of bc we have right now and I DON'T want to ever get pg again!! I get PPD too bad each time and we already have 3 kids now and I know we're done!
What other forms of bcp are safe for RNY'ers to do besides the pill? I know we don't absorb the bcp as well post op, that we malabsorb it. But if I do decide to get the mirena out, I might have to have hubby get the big "V" and then I heard it takes 6 months for him to start shooting blanks- so we'd have to be really careful in those 6 months.
Thanks for any help, comments, or advice!
Based on your experiences with PPD and the 3 kids already---have you considered a tubal? If you are absolutely positive you don't want any more children, this can be a viable option. It can be done laporascopically (sp?). I only mention it because I remember how hard of a time your PPD was with your son.
Just a thought...
Just a thought...
I just read about some new procedure that my OB does..maybe called ensure?? It is 10 minutes and done right in the office and you get some sort of ciols put around the tubes and it is permanant..I am goign to be looking into that after this baby as the hospital I am ahving the c-section at thursday is a catholic facility and will not do tube ties...
It's a girl !! Robyn Marie...!
March 31 6lbs 12 oz 19 3/4 in