Strange Pressure in my Uterus and 3 weeks late....
Okay so I have some strange things going on here. I have PCOS. My ob/gyn put me on Metformin last summer. I have had absolutely flawless cycles since being on it, until now. I am about 3 weeks late. A million negative pregnancy tests later, for the past week I've had this really strange pressure in my uterus. It almost feels fatigued. I mostly have it when I'm sitting or laying down. It is constant. So much so that it keeps me up at night. It does not hurt. It is just uncomfortable. I've been getting mild menstrual cramps since my period was due. It feels like I'll be getting my period so much that I'll run to the bathroom with tampon in hand, and nothing. It almost feels like a clear period if that makes any sense. What makes me the most angry is that I made an appt with my ob/gyn Thursday. She had me take a urine test (which I knew would be negative) told me it was neg, lectured me for about 20 minutes on eating right to conceive, and tried to force a fasting glucose tolerance test on me, (which I cannot tolerate since I had gastric bypass back in 2005) So I know I'm throwing a lot of info at you guys, but what could be going on with me? Frequent urination and negative for UTI. Shooting pains in my nipples and sensitivity, come and go mild cramping, no spotting, off and on nausea mostly when I'm hungry, 3 weeks late, lower back pain, strange uterine pressure that almost feels like muscle fatigue, blue veins on my breasts, indigestion, and not much interest in food, when I usually love to eat.
I was super angry when I left my appointment enough to make an appointment with a new doctor, cause I am so done with my current doctor. I'm worried it could be fibroids (though I have no history of that) or a cyst. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to listen to my body and its telling me you are pregnant, but the tests won't confirm. LOL. Mostly what is making me the most nervous is this uterine pressure. Has anyone ever had this??
Keep us posted!
The pressure and strange feeling could be a cyst on the side you are ovulating on, along with pregnancy. What about going to your GP and ask for a blood test?
My GP is a family doctor (I am lucky) so she will run tests for me.
I wish you luck either way so that you have peace/piece of mind~
Good luck! I hope all of what you're going through ends up being what you wish for.
Proud Mom of Brantley Alexander, 6 1/2 years old .
"CoCo" November 2009,
July 2010