Getting Nervous Not Feeling Her
I'm getting nervous she's always been a strong kicker, but I haven't felt much of anything since Thursday. She was extremely active Wednesday then Thursday and today NOTHING. I tried calling my dr. today but apparently they don't answer the phone on Fridays. I have another ultrasound scheduled the 30th because my last ultrasound showed I have low amniotic fluid. I know the bigger the baby gets the less they move around but she's barely 3 lbs, I'm scared. I'll be 33w Wednesday.
I had the same issue and went to the L&D at the hospital and they hooked me up to the moniters and she started kicking right away, I felt so stupid BUT the doctor said ANY time you are worried about it to come right in, NEVER put it off. always better to be safe than sorry, I hope she does kick you a good one and that everything works out !!!
I would drink some OJ and lay on your left side in a quiet room...if you still feel nothing within a half hour, go to the hospital. I had a scare like that with my first one, and that's what the nurse had me do when I called them. I was feeling kicks within 15 minutes, but then again, I wasn't low on amniotic fluid.
Thanks for everyone's concern I haven't talked to my doctor yet, but ate lots of sweets last night which wasn't the best thing I could have done since I'm diabetic but it got her moving, not much but some. Today I've been feeling yucky but she's been pretty active so thats a relief. Gonna try and get my ultrasound moved to Monday instead of Wednesday though to be sure.