Anatomy Scan today.....
I had my anatomy scan today and everything looked wonderful for which I am totally thankful!!! The baby was very squirmy so it made it difficult to get a clear picture..........but the tech said she is 90% positive that the baby is a girl!
90% --> do you think that it's safe to start buying pink???
90% --> do you think that it's safe to start buying pink???
i wouldn't unless you leave the tags on and keep the reciepts. It's still a little early. I've known people who have had 'pink' boys :)
There's a place in owings mills called Little Bo Peep that does gender confirmation and 3D/4D stuff. I'm pretty sure that they are pricey though. But you could check into it.
Maybe she'll stay a she. Dr. Yeshnik hasn't gotten the report and sometimes they don't see everything well enough... he'll send you back if they didn't. We went 3 times with Keiran.
There's a place in owings mills called Little Bo Peep that does gender confirmation and 3D/4D stuff. I'm pretty sure that they are pricey though. But you could check into it.
Maybe she'll stay a she. Dr. Yeshnik hasn't gotten the report and sometimes they don't see everything well enough... he'll send you back if they didn't. We went 3 times with Keiran.
All shopping has been put off for the time being. I see my OB on Tuesday so I am going to see what he thinks about another sono. If he doesnt feel the need to order another one I may treat myself to the 3D/4D. It honestly doesnt matter to me what the gender is as far as preference goes. I'm just a planner! LOL.............I want to get the nursery started and spread out the expenses over the next several months.
The thing I am MOST tickled about is that my LO was active, had a beautiful heart beat and measured good! Such a blessed mama!
Thanks ladies............
The thing I am MOST tickled about is that my LO was active, had a beautiful heart beat and measured good! Such a blessed mama!
Thanks ladies............