Calling all who know about Ovulation!! I got a ??
Ok, so my LMP was 1-18-11. That isnt a guess, its a sure thing, I track my periods like WOAH! Technically that would put me at almost 8 weeks pregnant right?
Well today we had an ultrasound because I freaked out last night when I started bleeding (it was a brown color and only there when i wipe sorry TMI) but the tech said at first that she didnt even see a fetal pole. Then after a few more pokes and prods...she was able to see the gestational sack, and the BABY!! Not only that but a heartbeat (we couldnt hear it just see it) and when I asked her why it was so small, she said that sometimes people Ovulate late...
Have you ever heard of this? is this normal? can i expect this to happen on a normal basis? Should i be worried that this pregnancy isnt viable?
I mean I saw a heartbeat! Dont all the statistics say that once you see a heartbeat your chances of miscarriage drop to like 5%? I have a whole new respect for women who have MC. I used to think it would be something I would just "get over" but its not like that at all, and I apologize to all those out there who have someone who had this feeling towards you. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this little bean with my heart and soul, and would probably lose it, if I lost it. (if that makes sense) I just need some answers as the doctors keep saying, "everything looks fine". I know they might be saying this cause they know I am the type to worry.
So, with all this being said, you ladies just give it to me straight so I can prepare for whatever possible outcomes may be out there. I cant afford to lose my mind I have a 8 month old that relys on my. Thanks for your understanding and again, to those mamas out there with your precious angel babies, my heart has an entire new love and respect for you. <3
Well today we had an ultrasound because I freaked out last night when I started bleeding (it was a brown color and only there when i wipe sorry TMI) but the tech said at first that she didnt even see a fetal pole. Then after a few more pokes and prods...she was able to see the gestational sack, and the BABY!! Not only that but a heartbeat (we couldnt hear it just see it) and when I asked her why it was so small, she said that sometimes people Ovulate late...
Have you ever heard of this? is this normal? can i expect this to happen on a normal basis? Should i be worried that this pregnancy isnt viable?
I mean I saw a heartbeat! Dont all the statistics say that once you see a heartbeat your chances of miscarriage drop to like 5%? I have a whole new respect for women who have MC. I used to think it would be something I would just "get over" but its not like that at all, and I apologize to all those out there who have someone who had this feeling towards you. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this little bean with my heart and soul, and would probably lose it, if I lost it. (if that makes sense) I just need some answers as the doctors keep saying, "everything looks fine". I know they might be saying this cause they know I am the type to worry.
So, with all this being said, you ladies just give it to me straight so I can prepare for whatever possible outcomes may be out there. I cant afford to lose my mind I have a 8 month old that relys on my. Thanks for your understanding and again, to those mamas out there with your precious angel babies, my heart has an entire new love and respect for you. <3
what did they say you were measuring?... yes people can ovulate late... not everyone does the typical 28 day cycle thing where they ovulate on day 14... it also takes 7-12 days for the embryo to implant.. and if your closer to the 12 days instead of the 7 thats puts you almost a whole week behind of where you thought you might be... before i had my jaylyn i was a 28 day girl.. now im a 32 day girl.. and i didnt ovulate until day 18... somehow im measuring right on track for my 10/2 due date... dont forget even a pixil off at this stage can put you ahead of behind a few days... im sure all if fine.. good luck
A lot of people measure behind at their ultrasounds. If you found a HB that means you are at least 6 weeks. Sounds about right according to your last period.
The important thing is that there is a hearbeat (do you know what it was?) and that there is more growth in the future. They will probably give you another ultrasound within the next month to see what you are measuring then. Take a deep breath and relax ;)
The important thing is that there is a hearbeat (do you know what it was?) and that there is more growth in the future. They will probably give you another ultrasound within the next month to see what you are measuring then. Take a deep breath and relax ;)
Thanks Chelle. We could only see a flutter (heartbeat from what the tech said) and we go back April 12. Its going to take FOREVER. but luckily i go to do another hCG check on thursday, if soemthing appears off then they will have me come in for another u/s. I really hope the blood levels are perfect and nothing happens. I will gladly wait until the 12th.
You know, I have heard a good plenty of stories lately about US techs and their mouths and the things they say that are not okay. Just last week, a tech at a teaching hospital where we live told my girlfriend (who has PCOS and has been TTC for three years!) that at this point, she had "a tent with no Indians, so don't get too attached." OMG> Are you KIDDING me?!
Anyway, I could go on and on, but my point is (and I do have one) that Layla (current parasitic baby) measured a week behind for quite a while because I ovulated late ... I am a 32 day cycle girl now as well. And now, I am 27 weeks or whatever pregnant, doing great, and Layla is gigantic.
That woman needs to shut her face. Enjoy that little heartbeat ... you'll be fine. <3
Anyway, I could go on and on, but my point is (and I do have one) that Layla (current parasitic baby) measured a week behind for quite a while because I ovulated late ... I am a 32 day cycle girl now as well. And now, I am 27 weeks or whatever pregnant, doing great, and Layla is gigantic.
That woman needs to shut her face. Enjoy that little heartbeat ... you'll be fine. <3
Yeah, a tent with no indians. Pretty effing professional, right? Gah. If she were giving MY pelvic, she woulda gotten a fuzzy sock to her ear drum. Anywho ... Thanks! I'm pretty excited about Layla. She's rad already. Super active, but I'm way more in pain with her. Did you find that with your adorable second nugget?