My baby (pics)
My Hazel is a month old allready. I cant belive how fast time flies she is 6lbs 8oz. She is tiny but growing. Im just trying to figure out how to get her on a schedule of some sort since she sleeps all day then wants to be up at night when its time to go to bed. I love my baby and wouldn't trade her for the world. Her newborn screen came back and I was told she may have sickle cell trait. I do wish I had more help with her but I am being the best single mother I can be while trying to finish my degree. Well here are some pics of my sweet baby.
She is gorgeous - and has an awesome mama. I love the 'thinking' picture...and the pink dress.
Does the sickle cell 'trait' mean she has sickle cell disease or just carries the gene for it? I don't know a heck of a lot about it - a good friend's sister has it and ends up in the hospital now and then because of it - but hope that Hazel doesn't have problems with it.
Keep working on the schedule; it'll come soon. Make sure you're resting when she's resting so you're not wearing yourself out.
Does the sickle cell 'trait' mean she has sickle cell disease or just carries the gene for it? I don't know a heck of a lot about it - a good friend's sister has it and ends up in the hospital now and then because of it - but hope that Hazel doesn't have problems with it.
Keep working on the schedule; it'll come soon. Make sure you're resting when she's resting so you're not wearing yourself out.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
I'm glad she's just a carrier and doesn't have the disease itself. At least forewarned is forearmed so that one day when she has kids of her own, she knows to have her partner tested and/or to have her kids tested...though I hope by the time she has kids, they'll have a treatment for it to either prevent it or control it.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled