So I'm now in the 2ww. I'm a little nervous because I ovulated 2 days earlier than I had expected. Damn MC screwed with my cycles going like clockwork! UGH.
OK... so it looks like I ovulated on Sat and we inseminated Sun and Mon nights. Hoping and praying that the Sun night AI worked. We know we've got super sperm (202mil count) but it's just down to the timing thing.
We can test as early as next Thurs 3/17, but we're going out of town next weekend and will probably wait until we get back from that trip. So we put off testing until Mon 3/21 (uh... if we can wait that long!) Oh who am I kidding... we'll prolly POAS on Thurs 3/17. Heck... I'm ready to POAS now!
Praying for sticky sticky sticky bean!
OK... so it looks like I ovulated on Sat and we inseminated Sun and Mon nights. Hoping and praying that the Sun night AI worked. We know we've got super sperm (202mil count) but it's just down to the timing thing.
We can test as early as next Thurs 3/17, but we're going out of town next weekend and will probably wait until we get back from that trip. So we put off testing until Mon 3/21 (uh... if we can wait that long!) Oh who am I kidding... we'll prolly POAS on Thurs 3/17. Heck... I'm ready to POAS now!
Praying for sticky sticky sticky bean!