L+D trip....
So I went to my regular weekly appointment yesterday morning and my blood pressure was unusually high..norm is 110/70 and it was 144/84. Plus they found a trace of protein in my urine so off to the hospital I was sent. I spent about 4 hours there hooked to the monitor..BP was fine the whole time and no protien in my urine, but they said I was having tons of contractions...I never felt them. I did say that my lower back was hurting and they told me that was a sign of a contraction. So luckily I am home and allowed only to work and home ****rtainly don't mind NOT doing laundry..cleaning...etc!) But as I woke up this morning, once again I now have back pain along with some light cramping. I was induced with abby so long ago and ended up with a c-section so I am not sure I even know what the heck I am sup[posed to be feeling with this pain?????
It's a girl !! Robyn Marie...!
March 31 6lbs 12 oz 19 3/4 in
If the back pain keeps up, call your dr. It could be the contractions starting again. Maybe the bed rest isn't enough to stop them. It depends on your baby's position and your body as to how you feel labor...but back pain can be contractions.
Good luck.
Good luck.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled