Where should my weight be at?
So as of today, I am 20 weeks along. I have lost in total about 30lbs since becoming pregnant, has slowed right down this last month. I look on the scale now and I see that I am *up* 2lbs for the last couple weeks, then the u/s tech says the baby is over a pound and then there is water and blood weight etc. So..I probably haven't gained anything at all. When should I be gaining?? I can't eat enough food to do so, I eat all the time now just so I my sugars stay elevated basically. Or will this just be a slow progression with the weight gain? Just wanted to see about other people's experiences here :) Thanks in advance!
I am 23 weeks and have lost about 15lbs since becoming pregnant. I am now holding steady on my weight. My dr is not concerned at all. When I had my ultra sound the other day, the baby was measuring exactly on. I feel like I eat all the time also. I still don't even really look like I am pregnant. I am not sure if I will start gaining weight or if I will just stay the same. I just take it one day at a time.
As long as your doctors aren't worried, I wouldn't stress about it. I gained 50 pounds and was told to only gain 25. But since everything looked good, the doctors weren't worried. I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight at 12 weeks. My mom also had a zero gain pregnancy without surgery and no one was worried.
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10