Anyone else on Cipralex
I had PPD with my last baby and it was not fun. So this time to avoid it the doctor put me on Cipralex. I could never breast feed my last two boys. Not sure if it was hormonal as I do have PCOS or what but I tried and tried so hard and never produced enough milk. The stress led me and DH to say fine no breast feedin for this baby right off the bat to actually enjoy feedings etc. You cannot breast feed on cipralex and if you want to they make you go off 2 weeks before birth so you can. Which kinda defeats the purpose of taking them for PPD but I am kinda wanting to try breast feeding again. I guess I just love the idea and the healkth benefits to baby so much. DH was very angry last time as I would pump and pump and pump and had lactation consultants in and he felt so discluded and knew I was very stressed out about not beign able to give that to the baby. What to do. Any thoughts./. Anyone hear of any post pardom depression meds safe during breast feeding at all??
I had my baby at a University hospital and they doing research on omega 3 fish oils, and taking it during pregnancy and postpartum as well. I had PPD with my first so bad, and a little with #2, but non with this. Plus the Omega 3 has been shown to increase milk production as well. I eat fish almost every day and craved it while pregnant.