7 week ultrasound today
Everything looks good so far. Saw the yolk sac and the little blob causing me so much heck! Heart rate was 115 which they said was normal. The only odd thing: my blob shows 6 weeks 1 day fetal age. My LMP was 1.18.11 and that means the fetal age should be 5 weeks 6 days. The radiologist thought this is because I had my dates wrong with my LMP. I keep track of it on my Blackberry on an app for period tracking. I know I'm not wrong. The other option was that I conceived earlier, but due to illness and my husband's school schedule we only did it 2x in January: 29th and 31st. We are so busy we have to schedule sex around his exam schedule, my exam and work schedule. We usually were about 1-2/week, but January was a wash pretty much.
Oh well, I just hope this doesnt mean my little one will be 10lbs or more. That's why my mom stopped having babies...they gained a pound a baby. She had 3 and I was 8lbs 11oz.
Oh well, I just hope this doesnt mean my little one will be 10lbs or more. That's why my mom stopped having babies...they gained a pound a baby. She had 3 and I was 8lbs 11oz.
I say go by your dates...ultrasounds are just a prediction and can be so off...as can be doctor's estimates. My baby boy was thought to have smaller femurs...in the 3rd percentile..at my 31 week US and I was so so so sooooo nervous yesterday. He came out being a longer baby and everyone medically predicted him to be a Bigger boy and he was only 7lb 3oz. . Not to mention that people were asking me left or right if I was having multiples, but turns out I had extra fluid. I wouldn't get too worried over stuff like that unless it's something they are concerned about...hope that helps! :)
Its very common for the baby to measure a couple of days off. We did fertility treatments, so I know the day I started my period and the day I conceived; according to my LMP my due date would be 5/31, but the first ultrasound showed a due date of June 2. It flip flops now between the 2nd and the 1st. My MD said that happens all the time, and a few days does not make a big difference. Congrats on the baby!!!!