Crotch pain???
I do not recall being this uncomfortable with my daughter almost 6 years ago..but I am almost 35 weeks and there are times where I really feel like she is comming out of my crotch. I did have an ultrasound last week and when looking at my cervix, her head was right there...but it hurts!!! Anyone else have this issue??
It's a girl !! Robyn Marie...!
March 31 6lbs 12 oz 19 3/4 in
Oh yeah, with my son. People would laugh at me because I would say it felt like my crotch was about to fall through, but it was true! It got so bad that I called the doc's office and they told me it was normal to feel that way...a sign that the end is nearing. My pain started around 36 weeks too and I delivered at 42. I hope the pain eases up for you. :(
This is my first pregnancy, so I'm not much help...but the story sounds very familiar!!! My coworker (and very dear friend) had her son in Aug at 37 wks; but her last 2 weeks she said it felt like a bowling ball was sitting on her cervix. She said it felt like he could literally just fall out if she stood up!