Measuring small- 35 weeks, Dr wants me to eat, eat, eat!
Today I measured 2 weeks behind in growth. Also had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago, possible IUGR. (intrauterine growth restriction?) Another ultrasound in 2 weeks to double check, since the last one was done by our local tech school, not my Dr.. (I Volenteered as a model for their sonography class, and now look what happens!)
My Dr. has ordered me to eat & eat! (I say, I am! I am!) She wants me to switch out my powerade one to regular, switch crystal light to something with calories.. eat high calorie meals and as much sugar-laiden items as possible for snacks in betweeen (without making myself sick/dump) I'm fortunate that Candy in itself doesnt make me dump, but certain things.. (vanilla ice cream, valentine's chocolates, cinnamon rolls) do! and i feel sick for like 30-60 min after eating those things. but I can much on jolly ranchers, gummy bears, fruit snacks all day long and be fine. NOT that I do... but lately, i've been craving some candies.
but how messed up is this? I mean, for YEARS i've dieted.. restricted myself. then had RNY.. and really watched what I ate.. lost the weight. RETRAINED MY MIND as to what is OK for me to eat, and what isnt! and now.... I feel like I am undoing all of this. But its for the baby...
anyone have advise. words. anything. Im lost. I'm eating, but I'm lost as to what to do, how to feel. I'm also worried about my little Gracie (baby). ANy suggestions on high calorie foods that wont make me just feel like a blob for the next 5 weeks??
thanks much everyone, this board is fantastic!
Personal opinion- (obviously not a DR). I wouldn't eat things that go against RNY rules in general (bad habits are easy to acquire and hard to break). I would eat healthy meals and snack, maybe a bit less restrictive. For instance who cares at this point if its egg whites or eggs, turkey sausage or regular, low fat cheese or regular. Go for the things that will add more fat and calories right now...but I wouldn't go crazy. I don't know a lot about IUGR but I didn't think it was because of what you did or didn't will any of this make a difference in her growth if IUGR is the cause? If it wouldn't then I wouldn't- I wouldn't be jeopardizing your health as well. Why are they so blah about finding out about the growth...sounds like they don't know whats happening and RNY is an easy blame. I had u/s frequently because I measure a tad small and I was high risk because of my nutrition (history of 1 m/c)...none of had an actual affect on my baby- she was over 8 pounds even though they said she was small all along. Good luck and I hope someone here is able to share their knowledge on IUGR.
My belly never measured over 37 weeks and I gave birth a day before 41 weeks. My son also measured in the 21st percentile at 27 weeks, but when he was born he was 7 pounds 9.5 ounces. I ate like a horse, especially in the last trimester. As long as your baby's not growth restricted, which is different than just being small, it's nothing to worry about.