Constipation help please??? anyone???
I went first thing this morning and got me some apple juice, white grape juice and some dried apricots. I am SOO trying to do just that before he gets here!!! Ahhh the torture! The low back pain subsided, but is back again this morning as well. I've been saying I didn't think I would make it to my due date, but I guess it's a waiting/ guessing game from here on out :)
I do enemas.. I have one of those gallon water bag enemas they sell at the pharmacy. Fill it up with warm water and put in as much as you can hold, rince and repete.. LOL..... I am only about 22 wks and this hasnt caused me any contractions but I only use warm tap water. :) Good luck constipation sucks!!
Well, I got a call in to the Dr's office this AM and was told NO enema, but I could take Miralax if it was unbearable. They also told me to try 12hrs of liquids. So, I'm drinking water and apple juice plus I ate a few dried apricots. I was able to get a small amount of relief this morning, but the pressure is still there. Th low back pain slowly subsided after I fell asleep last night, but it's starting to come back again. I have my appointment on Thursday, but if I'm experiencing the back pain throught the day I'm supposed to go in first thing in the morning tomorrow to be examined and all.
Thanks so much again for all the suggestions!! I'm definitely ready to be done LOL...soon, hopefully soon!!! :)
Thanks so much again for all the suggestions!! I'm definitely ready to be done LOL...soon, hopefully soon!!! :)