Update on me and baby Hazel (long)
So since its febuary that means that the medicade I needed in order to see the doctor I wanted has kicked in. I am lucky that my mom has connections and was able to get the doctor to agree to see me this late in the game. Today was the first vist I had with the doctor and she wanted to do an ultrasound since I am a new patient and she allways dose ultrasounds on new pregnant patients. The ultrasound tech starts messuring my baby and looks very concerned but dosent say anything which really just wories me. She then asks me what due date was I given by my other doctor and I had told her one doctor said Febuary 17th another said the 22nd. So I was prepared for her to tell me the baby was measuring more for the 22nd than the 17th, but thats not what she ended up saying she said baby was more measuring twords the 22nd of March. Then my mom looked at me and asked me was I sure about my dates of my LMP and i just told her it was in may and I defenitly didnt get any action in June and I found out i was pregnant in june. So now the doctor is sending me to a meternal fetal medicine doctor next week to have baby checked out since baby is measuring small. Shes also having them look at my plecenta to see if theres something wrong with it and thats why my baby is not bigger. I just know the ultrasound tech had me in tears cause I figured I did something wrong and its all my fault my little ones not growing. Im glad my mom was with me otherwise I would have been a lost. Doctor said baby had a good strong heartbeat and Im going back Thursday to be hooked back up to the monitor to hear babies heartbeat. Im just hoping everything is ok with my lil girl and she will come out nice and healthy. sorry for this being so long just needed to get this all off my cheset.
Oh honey... i'm sure ur lil girl is just fine. No matter what the dr says in your next US appt... just know that you did NOT do anything you shouldn't have nor was there anything you "should" have done. Doc said her heartbeat is good. That's great news. I'm glad to hear your ins is worked out and you found an OB. Glad ur mom was with you today. I'm sure it will all be ok. Keep breathing and remember... you have your little miracle growing in you... just imagine what it will be like when you can kiss her little cheeks.
This is why I am very demanding with Dr's. Your story infuriates me. I will shriek high and low until they do what I want to shut me up. Please DEMAND a 3-D ultrasound of your baby. If they need a medical reason for the insurance, they can say that there is a huge discretion with the due dates and her growth & organs needs to be checked. I do not understand why some dr's are so hesitant about doing an ultrasound. They are relatively inexpensive for the insurance. And the dr's are experts at wording the orders for the insurance to pay for it. Use the WLS as a factor to be more demanding with the dr's. I hope for the best for you and your little girl. Best wishes and sorry you are being stressed about all this.
She may just be a small girl. Sage measured small the entire time. She was born at 40 weeks and was only 6 lbs. Hopefully the next US will reassure you everything will be ok!
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Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
I am so sorry you were made so upset, I would be, too. I agree with the other ladies, the heartbeat is so important, and you can always demand to see a specialist, or even go to the ER and demand an US - say you have cramping and had some bleeding! It might sound bad to lie deliberately, but you have to be your own advocate. The medical system is not set up to be patient focused. Anyway, I digress.
Like Sage's momma said, my own daughter was born at 42 weeks and was 6 lbs 8 oz. Please keep us posted, and hang in there!
Like Sage's momma said, my own daughter was born at 42 weeks and was 6 lbs 8 oz. Please keep us posted, and hang in there!
thank you ladies. if i wasnt in the process of moving and had been able to keep the doctor i had seen for most the pregnancy he would had done another ultrasound by now with no problem its just part of his procedere, but not being able to afford to stay in my apartment anymore ment i had to see what doctor i could. and the doctor i saw today is a very good doctor and realy cares about doing all she can for her patients. its the doctor at the county hospital who has way to many patients and dosent care about them that screwed me over. thats why we went back to this lady once my medicade changed over so i could have a real doctor. since the doctor at the clinic is just a medical student and not a doctor quit yet., i will keep yall posted on how me and the lil one are doing and i will keep my head up and think positive. i just orgnized her nursery to make me feel a little better.
You did nothing wrong. Take hope in that strong heart beat. Maybe your little girl is just that...a little girl. It's good you're in to a dr who's paying attention and following up. Since you're due in just a few weeks (despite what her size 'says'), she should at least be at a healthy gestational age to be born soon.
Hang in there and don't beat yourself up. I pray your little girl is born healthy and strong - and bigger than they're thinking she's gonna be. (Don't forget that often times the weight/size they give is just a 'guestimate' and they can often be off by a pound or two!)
You did nothing wrong. Take hope in that strong heart beat. Maybe your little girl is just that...a little girl. It's good you're in to a dr who's paying attention and following up. Since you're due in just a few weeks (despite what her size 'says'), she should at least be at a healthy gestational age to be born soon.
Hang in there and don't beat yourself up. I pray your little girl is born healthy and strong - and bigger than they're thinking she's gonna be. (Don't forget that often times the weight/size they give is just a 'guestimate' and they can often be off by a pound or two!)
January 2008,
July 2008
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September 2010
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Mom to Khaled
Oh Honey-
Do NOT beat yourself up first of all...it's not good for either of you. You have done what you are supposed to do to keep yourself and Hazel healthy.
There is a huge possibility that the weight measurement they gave you is inaccurate. The measurement they gave me for Blake said he was going to be about 8lbs...he weighed 9lbs 9ozs. Initially the maternal fetal specialist had concerns about the insertion of the umbilical cord into the placenta and said Blake may have IUGR - interuterine growth restriction. Obviously they were wrong....lol The indepth ultrasound that was done showed him to be perfectly healthy but the quad screen test showed my hormones to be elevated and he had a greater chance of having Down's Syndrome. I chose not to have a amnio because it didn't matter either way- i wasn't going to abort. The last few weeks I developed a high level of amniotic fluid. Once again, this can be caused by a host of things including birth defects- including Down's Syndrome. Turns out he is perfectly healthy! I say all this not to write a soap opera but to let you know that time and again I was given lots of information about my little guy that truly scared me, but in the end he is perfect.
Sending BIG prayers for you! Give your concerns to God, He is the Comforter and Healer.
Do NOT beat yourself up first of all...it's not good for either of you. You have done what you are supposed to do to keep yourself and Hazel healthy.
There is a huge possibility that the weight measurement they gave you is inaccurate. The measurement they gave me for Blake said he was going to be about 8lbs...he weighed 9lbs 9ozs. Initially the maternal fetal specialist had concerns about the insertion of the umbilical cord into the placenta and said Blake may have IUGR - interuterine growth restriction. Obviously they were wrong....lol The indepth ultrasound that was done showed him to be perfectly healthy but the quad screen test showed my hormones to be elevated and he had a greater chance of having Down's Syndrome. I chose not to have a amnio because it didn't matter either way- i wasn't going to abort. The last few weeks I developed a high level of amniotic fluid. Once again, this can be caused by a host of things including birth defects- including Down's Syndrome. Turns out he is perfectly healthy! I say all this not to write a soap opera but to let you know that time and again I was given lots of information about my little guy that truly scared me, but in the end he is perfect.
Sending BIG prayers for you! Give your concerns to God, He is the Comforter and Healer.
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney