Starting to get scared...
Yeah....I have big babies. My first was 10lbs 2oz (on her due date), my second was 9lbs 15oz 38 weeks and my third was 9lbs 2oz right at 36 wks 4 days (he was delivered earlier then my scheduled date b/c he didn't pass a stress test and failed a biophysical scan - had a great hearbeat and I had plenty of fluid but he was showing no signs of movement or "breathing").....they were all healthy at delivery.
My first was just a "big baby", and # 2 and # 3 were big as a result of gestational diabetes caused by Big Baby #1=)
My OB's were in aww that they (my boys) were so big even though my GD was controlled (by insulin injections)....
But yeah.....I'm one of those people that would have died in child birth because my pelvis wouldn't support delivering vaginally (I also broke my tailbone attempting to deliver Lilly)......yeah I was OVER it and when my OB said c/s....I swear I could hear the angels singing!!! Wheeled into the OR at 12:00am at she was born at 12:13!
With baby number two....I walked into the hospital bent over in the "I'm ready for my epi"
My first was just a "big baby", and # 2 and # 3 were big as a result of gestational diabetes caused by Big Baby #1=)
My OB's were in aww that they (my boys) were so big even though my GD was controlled (by insulin injections)....
But yeah.....I'm one of those people that would have died in child birth because my pelvis wouldn't support delivering vaginally (I also broke my tailbone attempting to deliver Lilly)......yeah I was OVER it and when my OB said c/s....I swear I could hear the angels singing!!! Wheeled into the OR at 12:00am at she was born at 12:13!
With baby number two....I walked into the hospital bent over in the "I'm ready for my epi"