3d/4d ultrasound pics of my GIRLS :)
It was a fun ultrasound because baby A Kerstyn Does not like to be in the spotlight at all. She hides and it took 45 minutes to get the few pictures of her. Kinzy kept pushing her way over into Kerstyns area trying to get more camera time. LOL they are very funny already. They were head to head and it looked like Kinzy would have punched her sister out of the way if she could have.
Damayin 12-3-93
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11