Expecting Twins
The DH and I are expecting for the first time, we are expecting twins. We are to excited, however I am wondering for all you ladies who had gastric by-pass how's your pregnancy going, or how was your pregnancy? Did you gain weight or lose? How was your vitamin levels? Did it take you a long time to get pregnant? Any questions you can answers I would greatly appreciate it.
I had twin girls at 34 weeks, I had to take more folic acid, I gain alittle over 30 pounds and as soon as I had them I lost all the weight and was back into my old jeans less then 2 weeks:) But I think my tummytuck had alot to do with that. I have a 6 year old son and really it was no different carrying 2 then it was 1......Good luck!!
~*Sarah*~ Proud mommy to Anthony (4) and Twin girls born on 10/5/09 @ 34weeks.....Paytra Josephine(5.1oz) and Piper Elizabeth(3.6ozs).
I am on my second pregnancy and had bypass almost 8 years ago. With my oldest (now 12.5 months old), I gained about 28 pounds and lost it all by the time she was about 8 months old. Of course, by time I lost all the weight I was pregnant again, LOL. As for my vitamins, everything was fine except for my iron which is not a surprise. I have gotten an iron infusion in February/March for the past 4 years so I didn't have a major issue during last pregnancy (I got pregnant in April and had her in January and had an infusion when she was 2 months old). I am having my iron checked next week and am pretty sure my iron is in the dumps. Both times I got pregnant 2 months before we planned on trying.
GOod luck with your pregnancy and your twins.
GOod luck with your pregnancy and your twins.
I'm expecting twin girls due in Early June. I'm 20w4d as of right now. At first I thought I was going to die with the super nausea/dry heaving all day every day. That lasted from about week 5 all the way through week 17. I would say just in the past couple weeks have I finally started to feel better in the "morning sickness" department. However, I feel more tired and less able to sleep recently than I did before and it's taking it's toll on me. I do feel generally better though. I initally lost 12 pounds at the beginning (by week 5) and just now in the past 3 weeks I have slowly gained 6-7lbs back. My labs so far all look great, and I am absolutely horrible at taking any of my vitamins. I admit it, I am the bad pregnant woman who doesn't do what she's supposed to do. My OBGYN has been bothering me at every appointment and even having her nurses call me at home to tell me my hematocrit and hemoglobin levels are lower than she wants them and I need to consistently take my iron pills twice a day. I'm lucky if I remember to take them once every few days. Please do NOT follow in my steps. I know I will be so upset with myself in the end if something goes wrong and I'm already beating myself up about not taking vitamins as it is. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I hope all goes well and I have answered your questions. Feel free to ask me anything, I'm new at this myself (first pregnancy) and I sure could use a pregnant-with-twins friend to ask advice.
I understand what you mean, I try to keep up with my vitamins, I feel like crap sometimes when I take them. I am going into our second trimester I just feel little butterflies in my stomach and the funny part about it is I feel them on two different sides. We don't know what we are having yet, we won't find out until March. I can't wait to see what my labs look like when I go back to the doctor. Yes, this is our first pregnancy too, and I have no problems chatting with you about our twins. Nice to have someone to talk with about how and what I am feeling on a daily bases.
I am having twin girls also and due in May or end April depending on which dates I go by. I have gained about 16 pounds so far but now that I am gaining I gain quite a bit at one time. I take all my pills cause my alarm on my phone goes off to remind me. I want to keep these two as healthy as possible and that means choking down all the pills lol. Including my 3 zofran a day along with 2-3 phergan a day. Thats to help me function withouth being sick all the time. SO far labs look ok but iron is always a problem. I take 2 prenatals a day along with 2 iron, 2 folic acid, 4 calicum and prevacid. I also get my b12 shot monthly. Always fun. I eat about every hour and boy is it starting to tell on me with the weight but doc said its ok. Right now I am dealing with contractions and trying to keep my feet up as much as possible. Not easy with a 14 month old girl already here. I hold off all day till my older boys get home and they help me out a little
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