This board needs
Shaving? Whats that? I couldn't tell you the last time I did...good thing its fine/blonde hair DH doesn't care or notice LOL
I love my in laws (They live staes away so probably helps) so no ***** there. Though I do wish they would call more often and be a bit more involved with my kids.
My ex husband is as worthless as ever, and is about to have his second baby with the ***** bag he threw me out for (I still should send her flowers and thank her for taking him off my hands)... They are naming him Killian which is a nice name right? Except the ONLY reason he is picking it....It's his favorite beer....Classy.
shaving? i don't even buy razors anymore. it's been too cold anyways, i figure it helps me to stay just that much more warm. thank god DH doesn't mind, or at least that's what he says.
and since we're being so open about poop, i have some to complain about (may be a little tmi): i can go for over a week and not even pass gas. i start to worry about it, and then all of a sudden, wha-bam! i'm pooping every time i pee, but it's still like i'm constipated and not a lot comes out at all. it's soft, so a stool softener would be absolutely pointless, unless i wanna have the squirts. but when i go, it's a little at a time, even though i feel like i still have to go more. i sometimes even have to digitally disimpact myself (there's the tmi part) and it's absolutely disgusting to attempt to clean out the vault when the stool is so soft. ew. just gross.
and i pretty much am crop dusting with every step i take throughout the day whether i want to or not. talk about embarrassing, especially at work when i'm trying to be serious and talk to doctors about my patients, all of a sudden a really foul smell just lurks up to your nose, and the doc knows it wasn't him, so they know it HAD to be me. ugh, really? why can't pregnant post-oppers just be regular in this department. is it REALLY that much to ask for a normal, healthy, formed, once a day bowel movement? (sorry about such the long rant, but this has been really bothering me and i have NO ONE else to talk to about this. Thank you so much for listening)
what else for Filthy Friday.....
how about i hate it when people tell me i don't even look pregnant. I KNOW I DON'T. Yes, I am pregnant. Yes, I am pregnant with twins. And Yes, I am already 20 weeks along (and for those who apparently think i'm stupid, Yes, I know that means i'm halfway there!!!) Geez people. For my closest friends, you would think they would remember that one reason i wanted gastric bypass in the first place was because i wanted the world to know I was pregnant when i was and not just look more fat. I want the huge, round, clearly pregnant, look like i swallowed a basketball type of belly. yes, i WANT that. and i don't have it. (at least not yet). so it really doesn't make things better for me to be reminded on a daily basis, if not more often, that i don't even look like i'm pregnant at all. it's so flipping frustruating!!!
and kinda on the same note......if i don't even look like i'm pregnant, then why in the HE!# are you reaching out and rubbing my very obvious pannis/over the top of my pants fat roll? i'm not the freaking pillsbury dough boy!
oooh, thanks Chelle for the idea. it really does make me feel better to vent and know others are reading this and most likely relating to me at least even a little bit!
So, this may or may not help witht he belly issue...This is #4 for me, and this is first time I didn't just look FATTER. My DH keeps making comments about how weird it is this time, and how cool it is to see the belly (Does he not realize how this makes me feel about how I looked the OTHER 3 times?!)...Problem is, I have this giant basketbll belly, and falling below it is this horrid excess skin. I had myself convinced baby would fill some of that in, and could be panni free for a bit, but nope its worse. So I get to look like a total freak if I am not covered up completely...At least you don't have that to deal with? LOL
As for the touching this....yeah its annoying. I feel like touching theirs right back and asking how they like it
My 25 yo step-sister got engaged on MLK day and she sent an email to her mom about where she wants the wedding. It's some hotel in DC that charges $190-$290 per plate PLUS the cost of the hall/room rental. AND she thinks 120 people can/will come to her wedding from MI and pay $300 (at least) per night for THREE nights in this hotel too!!! BTW she thinks she's entitled and she's a lying, backstabbing *****!
All that stress on my dad is bad and I'm hoping he thinks my pregnancy is as good as we think it is! It'll be his first grandchild. My stepmom can also be a ***** and I hope she keeps her mouth shut if she doesn't have anything nice to say!!
We're going to his house to tell them on Sunday. Wish us luck!!!!!!!!!!