Question for step parents out there??
Any of you out there that are step parents- any words of advice would be wonderful! I'm struggling with this right now and this morning I was on edge because they just wouldn't listen to me and I felt like breaking down.
Please don't get me wrong...I LOVE them with every part of me, but everyone keeps telling me it will be different with the do you juggle it? I'm planning to buy them each a t-shirt for delivery I know they're so excited and all, but just curious if anyone can offer any advice???
I am step mom to 3 boys that we also have full time. My situation may be slightly different because I have raised them since they were babies, but they do have contact with the biological mothers (yes, mothers-2 different bio-mothers-long story-LOL). They are currently 18 (in 6 days), 17 and 9. I can honestly say, that I felt the same way; that I would love my bio babies more than them. However, I love all my kids exactly the same. The girls, as babies, of course had more attention because they were babies, but I do not feel any more love for my girls than I do my boys. I'm sure you'll feel the same. I made sure to include the boys in with the cares for the baby to make them feel important too. My girls are both VERY close to their brothers.
I think that her noninterest in their life has made it a lot harder for me as a stepmother to understand...especially now. With this baby on the way, I would never dream of putting him through what these young girls have gone through at such an early stage in life. The oldest isn't my husband's biological child either, but he has raised her since she was 8, so he refused to walk out on her and we have taken on the responsibility of giving her a life with her half sisters. She does have contact with her biological dad and spends about 3 weeks with him in the summers.
I appreciate you letting me know that even though I might have these feelings, it seems to be normal to be scared of it, but to know that it's just that- only a fear. I love these girls as if they were mine and I had accepted that they were going to be my only this babe was a TOTAL surprise for us! My husband has said the loves is a different type of love, but it's not a greater love. He loves the oldest as if she were his and there's nothing he wouldn't do differently for her that he does for the other 2.
Thanks so much for your kind words and reassuring! :)
Not a steparent but I give you a lot of credit for asking about this. I think they are old enough to realize a new baby takes a lot of time and care. Maybe take them aside before the birth and explain that you will be very busy with the new baby when he comes but it does not mean you love them any less. Maybe a couple times a month, have "girls" day out with you and just your stepdaughters...see a matinee, go to Ihop, something like that. I'm sure they will cherish the time alone with you.
Just think of the bright have all those future babysitters ;)
We've been tossing around some ideas and we explained to them tonight that with a new baby in the house, things are going to change for a little bit. For example, I want to start getting this house straightened up...possibly its my nesting instinct kicking in lol...and they do chores and we need them to kind of step up and help us...especially me...out a little more. We're planning to buy them a new tv this coming week and we're going to put the Wii in their room (with only limited access of course because I AM not and will NOT be one of those go play video games moms). We're also going to buy the plugs to hook my old laptop up to the tv so they can have more access to the internet...for things like school work and spelling websites. I think maybe showing them that we can trust them with these couple of things might help them realize we want to allow them more rights and rsponsibilities as they continue to get older.??
Wow...sorry so long...I'm in a thinker type of mode today I guess LOL
Thanks so much!! :)
We've been tossing around some ideas and we explained to them tonight that with a new baby in the house, things are going to change for a little bit. For example, I want to start getting this house straightened up...possibly its my nesting instinct kicking in lol...and they do chores and we need them to kind of step up and help us...especially me...out a little more. We're planning to buy them a new tv this coming week and we're going to put the Wii in their room (with only limited access of course because I AM not and will NOT be one of those go play video games moms). We're also going to buy the plugs to hook my old laptop up to the tv so they can have more access to the internet...for things like school work and spelling websites. I think maybe showing them that we can trust them with these couple of things might help them realize we want to allow them more rights and rsponsibilities as they continue to get older.??
Wow...sorry so long...I'm in a thinker type of mode today I guess LOL
Thanks so much!! :)
I am of course, forever resentful because they have mcmansions for il 1/3 of what it cost to buy a house around here. LOL. People are running out of NY left & right..