I had my baby girl!!!
I went to the hospital Sunday night thinking that I was in labor, but I was checked and I hadn't progressed since my appt, so the dr decided he was going to strip my membranes because I was in early labor. Contractions started immediately but not regular enough to keep me. I came home decided I should try to get some sleep.....and the contractions stopped. I was sooo upset thinking that I was going to be pregnant forever!! But I woke up to get the kids on the bus and they started back immediately, although they weren't regular. I walked up and down my stairs for a couple hours, I sat on the exercise ball, I did everything. Well the hubby came home around 1 and decided to stay home because it was looking promising!!! Around 4 they were finally 10 minutes apart, and I started getting things ready for the kids. By 530 the contractions were 3-5 minutes apart!!! We get to l&d and I get checked....I was dilated to 8cm and I had a bulging sac!! I asked for an epidural immediately but the anestesiologist was busy with a csection so I was going to have to wait....I told them forget the epidural just break my water. The pressure was the worst!!! So they break my water and I am an immediate 10 cm, I pushed through 2 contractions and she was born!!!!
Brynnleigh Lynn was born Jan. 24@ 8:29 pm weighing 6lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long!! When I figure how to post a pic I will!!
But she is doing great and she is absolutely perfect!!!!!
Brynnleigh Lynn was born Jan. 24@ 8:29 pm weighing 6lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long!! When I figure how to post a pic I will!!
But she is doing great and she is absolutely perfect!!!!!