First OB apt tomorrow morning
Well, my apt went well, and there was only one baby so that was a bit of a relief, not that twins wouldn't have been wonderful, it just would have been very scary lol. Anyway we were able to see the ultrasound and everything looks great, we could see the limb buds that are starting to develop and we could make out the head and of corse the heartbeat. I feel so relieved now. Sadly they had just run out of paper for the printer on the ultrasound machine so we didn't get to get any keepsake pics, but my Dr. assured me that as soon as the paper came in she would call me and I could come in for another US and she would print me some. I just LOVE my OB, she's young (30's) and very very sweet. She said she would work with me on the GD test and not make me drink that horrid drink because of my GB. She seemed very knoweldgable and very caring. So all that was awesome! I'm schedueled to see her again on Feb 17th and they'll draw labs and do a fasting blood sugar test that day so I will keep my fingers crossed!