When to baby dance after a smilley face on opk
how cute... a smiley face!
We have a donor with a very high sperm count (202mil!) He "makes donations" almost once a day. I got pg back in Nov and he was "donating" daily. We AI'd 3 nights in a row and got a BFP. (I did MC in Dec so we'll be TTC again in a month or so.) But I have also heard of only doing the BD every other day during the O time with a more normal sperm count.
We have a donor with a very high sperm count (202mil!) He "makes donations" almost once a day. I got pg back in Nov and he was "donating" daily. We AI'd 3 nights in a row and got a BFP. (I did MC in Dec so we'll be TTC again in a month or so.) But I have also heard of only doing the BD every other day during the O time with a more normal sperm count.
Usually BD from day 10 every other day until positive OPK. Then that day BD and the next 2 days BD. skip a day and then BD once more.
Have you ever heard of SME plan (sperm meets egg)? I will include the link.
http://www.twoweekwait.com/community/modules.php?name=News&f ile=article&sid=4
BTW - good luck!
Have you ever heard of SME plan (sperm meets egg)? I will include the link.
http://www.twoweekwait.com/community/modules.php?name=News&f ile=article&sid=4
BTW - good luck!