When to baby dance after a smilley face on opk
SO I am using the clearblue opk started on friday night until last night which I finally got a smily face. We baby danced. I had a appointment with the ob/gyn today and told them I had a positive on the opk and we baby danced last night. They said don't dance tonight wait until tommorrow so that My husbands sperm can build back up? Strange. Anyone else care to weigh in?
{Dee aka pokie123
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Changed for good
...september 17, 2007...
I have heard the every other day. It would depend on DH's normal sperm count - if he has a high count of good boys and girls, then even depleted there would be millions...but if he has a low count normally, then every other day would give him time to replenish and be ready to go again.
Good luck! I hope you get your BFP in a few weeks.
January 2008,
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Mom to Khaled
I'm OK. Nothing exciting going on here.
When are you posting new pictures of your cuties?
January 2008,
July 2008
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July 2011
Mom to Khaled
and wedding?! When did I miss that announcement? Congrats! When's the big day? I'm guestimating in the winter if you're TTC and have the baby before the wedding. You'll be a beautiful bride...and already have your own ring bearer and little flower girl!
January 2008,
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July 2011
Mom to Khaled
I'm sorry to hear about the sad results of your last pregnancy. No matter if it's a blighted ovum, miscarriage or whatever other horrors are out there...it was still your baby in your heart.
11/11/11 will be a cool wedding date. Are you doing the whole big wedding or a quiet one? I've seen the difference between West Coast (Oregon) and East Coast (New York) weddings...they're night and day. Oregon ones are usually pretty casual receptions - buffet food and drinks for the more formal...cake and punch for the very casual; NY weddings? OMG...they spend money by the tens of thousands and don't bat an eye. I've no idea what a Florida wedding would entail.
January 2008,
July 2008
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Mom to Khaled