baby dust request?
Hello all. I have been trying to get pregnant for a while now, all without luck. This month I am 2 days late on my period. I know this doesn't mean anything and my period could just be that, late. however that being I am regular as one could possibly be. I generally not only know the day I will start but also time of day. So I guess I am just asking for baby dust/prayers? i know what is meant to be will be, but I really want it to be meant to be this time. The worry wart in me who doesn't even know if I'm pregnant has already convinced myself it's a tubal pregnant because i had ovary pain about a week ago. i generally have this same pain but i use it as a sign my period is about to start. Again this is proably a sign i'll start soon. Ugh - these next few days are going to be hard. I try every month to not let myself think I am pregnant only to be let down when I finally do start my period. I have gotten pretty good at not being too disappointed each month when I get my period. If I'm being honest i have zero symptoms thus far so I have NO reason to think i am --- but would you send me good thoughts none the less? I'm going to take a test on friday at which case I would be 6 days late. I will let you all know.
ALLLLLLLLLLL TheBaby Boyyyyyyyyyyyyyy dust and computer technology flying through the DSL wire for you. Disclaimer it will probally be a Boy, sorry I am due with number 4 boy. I had my first in 99 before surgery and it did take over a year with no protection to get him however ater RNY at 9 months despite a Patch Birthcontrol I ended up pregnant. Another 3 years and 1 night of no protection- Number 3. I was heaver with the 4th bieng concieved and I got luck dodging nights with protection more than my fair share but something about that loosing wieght and becomming fertile mertile is true. The ectopic subject- Everyone that has menstration has some form of discomfort from the ovaries releasing the egg but most ignore it and don't pay any attention to it. When there is one trying to implant into the uterus that can be a cramping menstrual like feeling to. The signs' and symptoms of a ectopic progress Very fast over several days and unless you have had one before there wouldn't be a way to describe it to you. My advise the ones that get pregnant after trying for so long is- The ones that just kick back and put it into gods hands and stop checking temps, gotta have sex "tonight", pregnancy check every urine that is a maybe just in case. Get preoccupied with something else for a month and let the DSL dust work for you..............
Oh my gosh thank all of you SO much. I decided to take a test last night and guess what folks, it was a POSITIVE. I so didn't think I would ever get a positive. I thought we might just be destined to be childless, that we waited until it was too late. I called the Dr. today and scheduled my first OB appointment on Feb 4th. Thanks you all again for all of your thoughts and baby dust!!