Did you try to conceive a certain gender?
I agree with PP. A lot of times I like to think that there may be ways to help sway gender, but in all reality, the sex is determined for us. This baby was a surprise (so we weren't practicing any particular method of gender swaying), but my husband has 2 daughters from his previous marriage. Everyone kept on telling me that this baby was going to be a girl too- I in fact lead myself to believe it was a girl out of sheer fear of not wanting to be dissapointed. Well, it turns out this little bun in the oven is in fact- a BOY! My husband and I couldnt be more thrilled. There are so many scientific factors that go into the determining of the sex of a child, but I think try as we might- God gives us a little boy or a girl regardless of what we may try. Just my thoughts...Best of luck!
There are things you can do to try for a certain gender. Read about the Shettles Method online. Also, it is siad that Y sperm (boys) thrive better in alkaline environments and X sperm (girls) thrive better in acidic environments. There are certain foods and supplements you can take to change your vaginal PH. I personally wanted a girl, so I took cranberry supplements and drank a lot of grapefruit juice. Only time will tell, lol. But after my miscarriage a few months ago, I feel blessed to be pregnant and am hoping for a sticky, healthy baby regardless of the gender :)
On January 15, 2011 at 3:56 PM Pacific Time, tryingtobethin55 me wrote:
the sex is determined solely by the male sperm. depends whether an X or Y make it to the egg. IMO there is no way to sway it either way.