38 weeks and still measuring small
Ok, I forgot to update you on the ultrasound we had two weeks ago. She wasn't measuring as small as they thought. She is about 6lbs, so that put her in the 30th percentile. I went to my appointment last week, I measured correctly and I gained weight.
Now yesterday I went to the doctor lost 4lbs and I am measuring 34 weeks again. The midwife was concerned , so I get another growth scan when ever they can fit me in. Oh I also got checked yesterday and I am 3cm and 25% effaced!!! Yay! She told me that since this is my fourth not to wait around at home for too long because she thinks it is going to go fast for me!! The bh contraction I have had so far aren't even painful and they have dilated me, so I am kind of scared that I will wait last minute not knowing I am in labor.....
Now yesterday I went to the doctor lost 4lbs and I am measuring 34 weeks again. The midwife was concerned , so I get another growth scan when ever they can fit me in. Oh I also got checked yesterday and I am 3cm and 25% effaced!!! Yay! She told me that since this is my fourth not to wait around at home for too long because she thinks it is going to go fast for me!! The bh contraction I have had so far aren't even painful and they have dilated me, so I am kind of scared that I will wait last minute not knowing I am in labor.....
My first pregnancy I never measured on the week I should have...and they told me she was a peanut, maybe 6 pounds at the end. WRONG- she was over 8 pounds. Then with my second I measured on every week- they told me she was big. WRONG- she was 6 pounds., 10 oz- more of a peanut. These were different offices and different u/s techs. It seems to all be a guessing game- though I am inclined to think maybe Midwifes maybe better since they are more involved in day to day feeling bellys and seeing babies (verse the multiple Dr practices). Good luck- sounds like its soon!