35 week sonogram
So I had a sonogram yesterday to check on Keiran's size and to look at his heart and spine (they never got good images). I hit 35 weeks tomorrow so he should measure between 4 and 5 pounds. Now, Let me say this... I have been pretty sure this entire time that I O'd early and I am atleast a week further along, but my OB didn't agree. With my first son, we measured a week behind the entire time (sonograms) and he ended up a whopping 9 pounds at 39 weeks. So this time I have felt fuller and bigger....
So yesterday, when he should've measured 4 to 5 pounds he measured 6 pounds 12 oz! HA! I told them he was huge. Now, if only they would do something about it, but I doubt that they will... especially since I'm already scheduled for a c-section at 39 weeks. I hope I go into labor early so that they have to take him. My 'syptoms' (like lightening etc) are more in line with those at 37 weeks... not 35.
I know I am just *****ing, but I am SO uncomfortable. I'm not sleeping, and everytime this child moves, it physically hurts. Like has put me in tears a couple of times... I am just ready for this to be over and for him to be here so I can focus on why this is all worth it. Sorry for whining.
Hang in there.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
87 Pounds To Go! 304/257/170
My OB doesn't believe is inducing mamas just because of a "big baby" unless they have other issues like Gestational DIabetes, which thankfully I don't have.
Good luck! I hope you have your baby boy in your arms soon!