Pictures !!!
Here are some of Kinsley's newborn pictures. Of course, we had to get some taken with her proud Big Brother & Big Sister ; ) She is 2 months old. We go Friday for shots & I am so not looking forward to that : ( My maternity leave is officially over. I was scheduled to return work today, but we are snowed in ! So, weather permitting, I will go back Tues or Wed. I'm really nervous about bring yucky stuff home to the baby (I'm an ER nurse). There are so many viral illnesses going around right now, not to mention the flu & strep. I'm really cautious about changing & sanitizing as soon as I come in the door. So, hopefully we'll avoid all of that nasty stuff. I included the link to the whole album of pictures, if anyone is interested. There are tons of pictures. Thanks for letting me share !!! : )