Has anyone lost their appetitie?
I'm not sure if it's a phase or something is up with me, but it just seems like the past week I have had 0 appetitie. Has this happened to anyone? I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow and I just feel like I'm force feeding myself when it is time to eat. I didn't seem to have any problems up until now and after my ultrasound this week, I just don't want to cause any problems for me or baby since we're almost done. I've lost 3lbs since my drs visit on Wednesday too. I'm hoping maybe it's just stress and I'll feel better next week, but I was just curious if this has happened around this time to anyone else. Thanks ladies! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Bring on the football games!!! :)
most women report a decrease in appetite during there third trimester due to the baby getting much larger and compressing on your organs (ie no room in your belly for food) If I were you I would probably just eat foods with a higher caloric value to get in those minimum of 1500 per day. If you try to eat small little meals a few times a day you could definetly get those in without an issue..do you like milk? whole milk would be a good choice, nuts, full fat cheese, exc. good luck to you!
unfortunately, i HATE milk and struggle to get it in, but I'm going to start drinking my Carnation Instant breakfast again in the mornings and possibly bring back a protein shake throughout the day. I'm going to go grocery shopping here in just a bit and I'm going to be looking for these foods for sure. Baby is definitely sitting high up in my rib cage and it gets uncomfortable a lot!! I'm going to ask my NP about it at my next visit in 2 weeks. Thanks for the tip- I'll def be giving it a try! :)
I think that's what scares me- I was STARVING all most the entire time through trimester 2 and the ending part of the first trimester. I felt like I could never eat enough and I wanted all the bad stuff! Now, it's like I loose track of time and before I know it I should have eaten. I'm going to be sure to keep a better eye on the clock and monitor my calories some to make sure that I'm getting in what I should, but it just seems tough right now. My mind seems to be far from food, but NEVER far from baby!
I'm kind of the same way...I feel full and I haven't even eaten. On Sunday night, I ate dinner because hubby made me and I got this horrible feeling that came over me. I felt like I was struggling to breathe and then it got VERY hot. I actually took off the turtleneck and sweatshirt I was wearing and just drapped a blanket over myself. It was so uncomfortable. The only thing I can think is I went ahead and ate about the normal size portions I've been eating for the last...oh say 2 years now...and it was just too much. I honestly think I could have hurled it back up to, but I'm a non-throw up type of person so I held it in. I've held steady the last couple of mornings at 204 and haven't lost anymore so I'm hoping everything is ok. I've been throwing in some slim jims and cheese sticks in between meals to get calories and so forth, but I really just don't want to eat. UGH!