4 at home pregnancy tests.. and 1 dr's office test....
Often dr's office tests require a much higher amount of pregnancy hormone to show positive. Unless you had 4 evaps (evaporation lines) which is unlikely, that's probably the culprit. I had very very faint lines (to the extent that many thought they were evaps) and tried a digital test which came up positive :)
The only other reason I can think of if the tests were blue dye. They are notoriously unreliable and men and fish tanks have been known to get faint positives. I really hope for you it's the 1st option though!
What kind of tests did you take?
The only other reason I can think of if the tests were blue dye. They are notoriously unreliable and men and fish tanks have been known to get faint positives. I really hope for you it's the 1st option though!
What kind of tests did you take?
I DID Make It - 135.4 8-1-10! Now working on post baby weight loss. (All WL post-op - preop got up to 220 from quitting smoking & last supper syndrome.) 5'2"
Equate is blue dye I think, but if you bought the FRERs recently, I would say you're golden. On Saturday (18 DPO) I could barely get a line to show. I mean it's there but VERY pale. And I've been getting positive digis since 9/10 DPO.
I'm going to say CONGRATULATIONS!
I'm going to say CONGRATULATIONS!
I DID Make It - 135.4 8-1-10! Now working on post baby weight loss. (All WL post-op - preop got up to 220 from quitting smoking & last supper syndrome.) 5'2"
I'm sure that it's just early and the doc's test isn't very sensitive. They are often at 50-100 mIU/ml where are FRERs are around 6-18 mIU/ml :)
I DID Make It - 135.4 8-1-10! Now working on post baby weight loss. (All WL post-op - preop got up to 220 from quitting smoking & last supper syndrome.) 5'2"
Hello. I am an OB nurse. Occassionally the time of day can determine whether or not a urine test is positive. The levels of Hcg (pregnancy hormone) in the 1st 6-8 weeks are highly concentrated in the morning urine. A blood Hcg level will be definitive and will also tell an approximate gestational age (how far along you are). Good luck!
I guess they assume we're all idiots and don't notice our periods disappearing - oh and no woman must ever be TRYING for a baby apparently... grrrr.
I DID Make It - 135.4 8-1-10! Now working on post baby weight loss. (All WL post-op - preop got up to 220 from quitting smoking & last supper syndrome.) 5'2"