Gas and getting ready for labor???
LOL! Okay, ladies...kinda embarrassing question, but I have been having VERY bad gas for the last 24 hours now! I have heard that diarrhea is a sign of your body possibly getting ready for labor, but is gas a sign also? I did have some loose stools the last 2 days, but I don't feel sick to my stomach or anything. I just feel like my body is sort of cleansing. Sorry for the TMI...not sure who else to ask right now. LOL. I have been eating normally and pretty healthy so not sure??? My last OB visit on Wednesday I was 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced still. I have been that way for a little over 1 week now. However my OB did say that my cervix felt a lot softer than the prior week. I am so hoping labor starts by next week. Can you tell I am feel a bit impatient at this point? LOL. I just wanna hold my baby girl so bad! Been waiting for this moment for 10 years!
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11