Pregnant 2 Weeks after Gastric Sleeve
Oh there are a lot of really good academic papers out there is you dig. Some public libraries have EBSCOHost which allows you to search a myriad of academic databases on pretty much any topic you can imagine. It's pretty amazing (and free if your library supports it).
Actually in doing all this crazy research trying to allay some of my fears the part that I worry about most is actually that I'm still obese. Ironically that poses more of a danger, statistically, than my RNY.
I totally get that the intent is to make people think twice about getting pregnant early - but it's kind of shocking to hear the intimation that something is more likely to be wrong with my child because of being early out from surgery, know what I mean?
And yeah, my "accidently" was definitely just that. Birth control pills and condoms...and still a BFP. Like I said, I have to think that things happened this way for a damn good reason - lol!
Thanks for the good wishes for our "surprise" (the age old reframing of the word "accident" - all of my siblings and I were "surprises"). I am thinking positive and hopeful!!!
Actually in doing all this crazy research trying to allay some of my fears the part that I worry about most is actually that I'm still obese. Ironically that poses more of a danger, statistically, than my RNY.
I totally get that the intent is to make people think twice about getting pregnant early - but it's kind of shocking to hear the intimation that something is more likely to be wrong with my child because of being early out from surgery, know what I mean?
And yeah, my "accidently" was definitely just that. Birth control pills and condoms...and still a BFP. Like I said, I have to think that things happened this way for a damn good reason - lol!
Thanks for the good wishes for our "surprise" (the age old reframing of the word "accident" - all of my siblings and I were "surprises"). I am thinking positive and hopeful!!!

I sort of think of it this way - medical evidence actually supports the link between advanced maternal age and certain birth defects and miscarriage. But most people wouldn't throw that out there as one of the first things they say when they find out an older woman is pregnant.
I beg to differ on that. As an almost 43 year old who has 1 son and 5 consecutive miscarriages...that's the FIRST thing drs will throw in the face of an 'older' woman trying to get pregnant and/or having miscarriages. Not on this board (can't say what people are thinking but I've never had anyone SAY it to me)...but mostly just medical people regularly beat me on the head with that. Getting a dr to look BEYOND age as to the cause of miscarriage has been harder than pulling someone's teeth w/o anesthetic.
Just sayin'...
I totally agree w/you and the other posters that getting pg early out is best avoided when possible. However, when you say that there is no medical link to increased defects or long-term developmental problems in children of early out pregnancies of WLS patients...have there even been any studies done? I'm not trying to attack you - and I don't know of any people on here who have had serious problems (not counting a few heartbreaking incidents where someone's baby has died at birth due to other issues) early on - but if most ob/gyns don't even know how to treat a pregnant WLS patient (many of them automatically make them high risk just because of WLS because they don't know how to treat them)...would they know to connect any dots to long term effects? If someone goes into WLS already with vit deficiencies (many Americans have some vit deficiencies), then get pg...the deficiencies are only going to get worse and could, theoretically, have some effect on the baby. The baby will take from the mother as long as the mother has it to give...but if she's already deficient...there's nothing to take. One HOPES the drs are doing labs throughout the pregnancy...but it doesn't always sound like it from what I read here. It's sort of hit-or-miss if you get a dr who knows to monitor the vits and people need to know to be their own advocate to push for testing most of the time.
I beg to differ on that. As an almost 43 year old who has 1 son and 5 consecutive miscarriages...that's the FIRST thing drs will throw in the face of an 'older' woman trying to get pregnant and/or having miscarriages. Not on this board (can't say what people are thinking but I've never had anyone SAY it to me)...but mostly just medical people regularly beat me on the head with that. Getting a dr to look BEYOND age as to the cause of miscarriage has been harder than pulling someone's teeth w/o anesthetic.
Just sayin'...
I totally agree w/you and the other posters that getting pg early out is best avoided when possible. However, when you say that there is no medical link to increased defects or long-term developmental problems in children of early out pregnancies of WLS patients...have there even been any studies done? I'm not trying to attack you - and I don't know of any people on here who have had serious problems (not counting a few heartbreaking incidents where someone's baby has died at birth due to other issues) early on - but if most ob/gyns don't even know how to treat a pregnant WLS patient (many of them automatically make them high risk just because of WLS because they don't know how to treat them)...would they know to connect any dots to long term effects? If someone goes into WLS already with vit deficiencies (many Americans have some vit deficiencies), then get pg...the deficiencies are only going to get worse and could, theoretically, have some effect on the baby. The baby will take from the mother as long as the mother has it to give...but if she's already deficient...there's nothing to take. One HOPES the drs are doing labs throughout the pregnancy...but it doesn't always sound like it from what I read here. It's sort of hit-or-miss if you get a dr who knows to monitor the vits and people need to know to be their own advocate to push for testing most of the time.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
I know you have had many losses and I follow you all the time. :) This is my 8th documented pregnancy and they always have some kind of reason they say. Right now its if something happens its from my age and I hate that. My worry is ketosis for these early out patients and all. I am hoping you get some great news soon! You are a wonderful poster!
Damayin 12-3-93
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11
Thanks Shannyn. The wonderful women like you - who've been through as much or more than I have - and still go on to have a successful pregnancy are what give me the hope to keep pushing onwards. I am glad that I FINALLY have a dr here in Bulgaria who insists that my age has NOTHING to do w/my miscarriages - and I didn't believe her at first because I'd finally swallowed the kool-aid all the others kept pushing on me. Even though I have three genetic blood clotting mutations, the other drs still insisted it was my age and bad eggs...until with the last one a few months ago, she was able to have a chromosome test done to show it was NOT chromosomes. No less frustrating...but at least it's something.
I think it's scary that too many women come on here and see how some of the early out pregnant women who post here have relatively complication free pregnancies, and newbies assume that they too can disregard what the dr says and get pg immediately (because if they're honest, not everyone's early out pregnancy is an 'accident') after surgery and have a similar experience. There are people here who had complications from their early out pregnancies - deficiencies, malnourishment, problems eating, drinking, etc...things that have landed them in the hospital. It's not something that happens frequently enough (fortunately) - nor when it happens is it posted about enough - to let these women know it's not worth the risk to their personal health or their baby's health.
I think it's scary that too many women come on here and see how some of the early out pregnant women who post here have relatively complication free pregnancies, and newbies assume that they too can disregard what the dr says and get pg immediately (because if they're honest, not everyone's early out pregnancy is an 'accident') after surgery and have a similar experience. There are people here who had complications from their early out pregnancies - deficiencies, malnourishment, problems eating, drinking, etc...things that have landed them in the hospital. It's not something that happens frequently enough (fortunately) - nor when it happens is it posted about enough - to let these women know it's not worth the risk to their personal health or their baby's health.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
I know what you mean when they kept saying oh its normal with me for all my losses. I do have 2 clotting issues and I do take the lovenox shot every night like a good girl lol. It hurts but I do them. I know your issues have been much harder and I think thats why I always think of you and I really hope the best for you. I agree with you on the oops people around here. There are no long term studies and these women forget ketosis and how bad that can be for not only them but for the baby. Most times problems dont show up till later in the childs life. I know that can happen with any child but heck if we can do anything to try to not do that I would do it. There are no long term studies on this at all. This surgery and other weight loss surgeries have just recently gotten so popular so that anything from the past may not be how it is now. Just like with everything else more problems are becoming more frequent and with not knowing the causes of some of it I would feel awful if 10 years from now they find something happens in the women early post op. That was what my fear was. Heck if something happens with my kids I love them the same nothing would change that for sure but if I did something to hurt them I could not forgive myself. I just wish people would not come on and post hey wow nothing can happen my baby is growing fine. So go ahead have surgery and get pregnant right away all will be ok cause for people who have had issues with pregnancies and losing baby after baby I do not take any of it lightly. I am just happy everything has gone alright for me these past 2 pergnancies. I feel blessed. I also hope you get more answers soon since you seem to have an amazing doc who now does not go for the cop out of age!!! Good luck girl!!
Damayin 12-3-93
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11
Did they up the dosage of your injections once they found out you were having twins? Or did that not effect it? I'm sure that as you remind yourself with each jab why you're doing it, it at least makes it tolerable. LOL - I assume you're all black and blue now? My dr in Jakarta told me to pinch the skin where I was doing the injection to make it easier, and that was making me black and blue. A nurse over on the old R&R said don't pinch and it won't bruise as much and she was right. I do get some bruising, but at least I don't look like I've been beat upon.
Regarding the early out pregnancies - I think a big difference in how people (not specifically the OP) post re their early out pregnancy and how they are doing depends on if they come out sounding like (not quoting, paraphrasing), 'Yeah, the dr told me not to get pg for 18-24 months, but I did it anyways and nothing obviously the dr didn't know what he was talking about, so hey y'all - don't pay your dr any attention,' versus 'I (accidentally?) got pregnant early out, and though I was concerned that I would face a lot of problems (or I did have ** problems), with close care and monitoring by my dr, I was able to have a successful pregnancy (God willing) as a word to the wise to the newbies out there - take serious precautions against getting pregnant until your body's ready and dr approves...but if by chance it does happen, you and/or your baby are not automatically doomed and it is possible to have a healthy baby.'
I guess it's the difference in the acknowledgement that it really is a serious matter and that there are possibilities of serious complications in early out pregnancies (to mom and baby) simply based on the surgery, versus the total disregard for anything the dr told them...and knowing that if, God forbid, something does happen to mom or baby, many would not take personal responsibility for the problems, but blame the dr.
Regarding the early out pregnancies - I think a big difference in how people (not specifically the OP) post re their early out pregnancy and how they are doing depends on if they come out sounding like (not quoting, paraphrasing), 'Yeah, the dr told me not to get pg for 18-24 months, but I did it anyways and nothing obviously the dr didn't know what he was talking about, so hey y'all - don't pay your dr any attention,' versus 'I (accidentally?) got pregnant early out, and though I was concerned that I would face a lot of problems (or I did have ** problems), with close care and monitoring by my dr, I was able to have a successful pregnancy (God willing) as a word to the wise to the newbies out there - take serious precautions against getting pregnant until your body's ready and dr approves...but if by chance it does happen, you and/or your baby are not automatically doomed and it is possible to have a healthy baby.'
I guess it's the difference in the acknowledgement that it really is a serious matter and that there are possibilities of serious complications in early out pregnancies (to mom and baby) simply based on the surgery, versus the total disregard for anything the dr told them...and knowing that if, God forbid, something does happen to mom or baby, many would not take personal responsibility for the problems, but blame the dr.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Have not changed my dose on the lovenox when we found two :) I am bruised and all pretty much all over but its ok. I have one huge welt on my thigh that has been there for 2 months now and is still lightly bruised. Boy that one hurt!! I dont like the shots but I am willing to take them and when I go to the doc with short sleeves on the nurses always ask if I feel safe at home cause the ones on the back of my arms look like finger bruises lol.
I dont think people early out think about ketosis and how dangerous that is to the babies. I know everything can seem fine and all by ketosis effects the brain development and thats a fact and most times they wont know that effect till later in life. Which is why I say what I say here. No it does not mean there is 100% chance but to say because the baby weighs the right amount and looks healthy that things wont show up later and a lot of these newbies come on to look for those GREAT stories where everything is peachy and fine and they say hey thats my reason to get pregnant now and who cares about the rest. I know thats not everyone and that many times nothing will be wrong but to come on and say all is wonderful and get pregnant soon after cause why do the surgery at all then? Does not make much sense to me but I am me and thats my opinion. Does not mean I wish anything bad or anything on anyone. Yet when I say I got literature plus my own surgeon had either 7 or 8 out of all the early pregnancy post ops who had issues with their children once they were about 3or4 when started seeing differences. That was in this office with this doctor. SO I take it as yes it can happen and it does happen often. So I think its important to say how much can happen and how long it can take to see those things.
I just love babies and with all the losses I have had with my babies I cant see not being happy about a baby. Yet a lot of these people are doing it on purpose and its obvious when they do. I think all of us on here for awhile spot them way off! It makes me sad.
Just so everyone knows though its not directed at any one person. Just something seen on this site so much.
You are awesome Holly! :)
I dont think people early out think about ketosis and how dangerous that is to the babies. I know everything can seem fine and all by ketosis effects the brain development and thats a fact and most times they wont know that effect till later in life. Which is why I say what I say here. No it does not mean there is 100% chance but to say because the baby weighs the right amount and looks healthy that things wont show up later and a lot of these newbies come on to look for those GREAT stories where everything is peachy and fine and they say hey thats my reason to get pregnant now and who cares about the rest. I know thats not everyone and that many times nothing will be wrong but to come on and say all is wonderful and get pregnant soon after cause why do the surgery at all then? Does not make much sense to me but I am me and thats my opinion. Does not mean I wish anything bad or anything on anyone. Yet when I say I got literature plus my own surgeon had either 7 or 8 out of all the early pregnancy post ops who had issues with their children once they were about 3or4 when started seeing differences. That was in this office with this doctor. SO I take it as yes it can happen and it does happen often. So I think its important to say how much can happen and how long it can take to see those things.
I just love babies and with all the losses I have had with my babies I cant see not being happy about a baby. Yet a lot of these people are doing it on purpose and its obvious when they do. I think all of us on here for awhile spot them way off! It makes me sad.
Just so everyone knows though its not directed at any one person. Just something seen on this site so much.
You are awesome Holly! :)
Damayin 12-3-93
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11