What do you think?
I had my 36 week ob appointment today, which I am actually 36 wk/5 days. My OB did my Strep B culture and said baby was head down but not far down yet. He said that I am 80% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Isn't 80% effaced a lot for 36 weeks? Does this mean I may go into labor in the next 2 weeks rather than another 3-4 weeks? Just wondering, sorry if I sound stupid, this is my 1st baby I'll be giving birth to.
I am expecting my first baby, so I have no first hand experience on this. However, for years I have lived vicariously through my best friend's two pregnancies. :-) Her last baby, she was 90% effaced and 2 cm dilated for 3 wks! You should be fine and like someone else posted 37 wks is full term anyway.