Totaly irritatated
It sounds like hormones. Put the knife down and take a deep breath...just a few more weeks. Start calling around and get yourself a new dr. Being proactive about that will make you feel better. Being pregnant makes us hormonal, living in uncertainty makes it even worse. Go back to your family doctor if things get worse so you can ask about medicine temporarily.
Good luck! We're in the home stretch!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>
Sounds like you have a lot going on with the move too, the stress can totally make you more irritable.
Hang in there. Have you ever tried yoga or meditation? Or even just taking a few moments to yourself to just be calm, take some deep breaths and be centered. It really does help.
As far as the hormones, I am right there with you! every time my husband sits at his computer, the constant clicking of the mouse really, really, irritates me!!! I told him he needs to not be so loud!I have almost grabbed my laptop to throw at him! Just seeing him sitting on the computer or playing with his iPhone really makes me mad. I thought it had a lot to do with the fact that he has been unemployed for the past year and that I am sick of him being useless when it comes to supporting his family. I am the only bread maker and it is getting stressful because I know I have to take time off when the baby gets here.
Stress causes irritability big time...and you've got big time stress going on in your life.
Try to do what you can to reduce the stresses in your life, and hopefully the irritability will ease somewhat (though like the others have said, some of it is hormonal, so will be with you for a bit).
Obviously you can't get rid of all of the stress inducers, but remind yourself that your move back home is temporary. Work out with your mom the chores or bills or whatever that you are splitting - so you know what you need to do and are more comfortable that you're not a burden (because that would be a big stress inducer to me...not because I'm saying you're a burden. Of course the first thing I'd have to do - even before that - is wrap my mind around the fact that I had to live with my mother again *shudder* God forbid...but I have 'mother issues' that you may not have).
Create your own 'haven' in your bedroom if you can - prepare the baby's area, arrange your stuff, if you have your own TV/computer etc - arrange that - into an area you're comfortable spending time in...because the next thing I'd say is avoid the bf as much as possible. Don't put your mom in the middle of the two of you, because that would obviously create more stress that you don't want/need...not to mention it wouldn't be fair to your mom. Unless this guy treats your mom bad (physically/mentally abusive, doesn't help with household expensesr...whatever) then your mom's old enough to make her own decision on whom she sees...and you just have to accept it.
I assume the weather's still OK there in you can always spend time avoiding the bf - and conflict and stress - by going for a walk; going to a mall and window shopping; going to the library; hanging out with friends...use your imagination.
If it helps, make a list of goals for your future (ie what you plan on doing once the baby's here, how/when you plan on getting back out on your own, where to bury mom's bf after you stab him...*oops - never mind that one* LOL.
Good luck. Have a merry Christmas...and a happy, healthy and safe New Year as you welcome your little one in a few weeks.
January 2008,
July 2008
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July 2011
Mom to Khaled