How early can you find out the sex?
A very skilled tech can make an educated guess as to the sex based on the angle of the nub by 12-13 weeks (both boys and girls have nubs at that stage so it's very hard to tell). It's still a guess. It's best to wait until 16+ weeks (most doctors suggest 20 weeks becuaue its when they do a standard anatomy scan anyway).
With this pregnancy, It ws very obvious he was a boy by 16 weeks. And with my twins, the tech guessed girls at 12 weeks and it was confirmed at 16 weeks.
With this pregnancy, It ws very obvious he was a boy by 16 weeks. And with my twins, the tech guessed girls at 12 weeks and it was confirmed at 16 weeks.
Most of the places around here wont do it till 17 weeks because of error margin and all. I waited till 17 1/2 weeks cause I would rather be positive than guess and get stuff and have to return it.
I go next week for the official anatomy scan with my doctor and while they look for any defects and all they can see the sex and verify. Yet with two of them we have to pray they cooperate again. lol
Damayin 12-3-93
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11
It's funny timing that you ask, because I am 14 weeks 1d and I scheduled a 3D for Wednesday to see what I can see. I am really excited to find out the sex of this baby as we lost my grandfather in June, who I was very close to, and for reasons that probably would sound nuts to others, I have a very strong feeling that this baby is a boy ... And It thought it would be nice to know before Christmas even though its an educated guess. Anyway, I will post pictures of our 14.5 week 3D and you can see what we get. Maybe that will help you make a decision. :)
I just wanted to say that I don't think you're nuts at gramma who I was very close to passed away last month and she prayed with me for a long time that I would become pregnant with this baby and she knew we wanted a boy...a few days after she passed away, I found out her birthday is the same day my baby is scheduled for a c-section which I don't think is a coincidence and I also believe this baby is a boy! Best wishes to you and I can't wait to hear what you're having!!
Yes it can be still to early with determination. So I would suggest to wait til about 17-18wks to have it done. I guess it is a boy. =)
They could tell on me what I was having at just under 14wks becuase they did a vaginal ultrasound at my dr appt. THAT was how I found out that early. the Dr was impressed. As for doing a 4D ultrasound, I would wait a few weeks. That way you can see him/her more developed and they are sucking thumbs rolling around etc...
They could tell on me what I was having at just under 14wks becuase they did a vaginal ultrasound at my dr appt. THAT was how I found out that early. the Dr was impressed. As for doing a 4D ultrasound, I would wait a few weeks. That way you can see him/her more developed and they are sucking thumbs rolling around etc...
The ultrasound clinics around here offer a free 2-D gender determination session if you pre-pay for a 3/4D pkg worth over $100.00. Look at the websites of the places you are going, ladies. I even found a tiny little coupon snuck up in the corner for a free extra disc of pics. Sneaky sneaky :)
The gender determination part, they say can be done anytime after 15 weeks.
The gender determination part, they say can be done anytime after 15 weeks.