Should I be worried?
I recently had some brown discharge and went to my OB about it where they did an ultrasound and determined there was nothing to be worried about and that it was old blood...they gave me a scrip for metrogel because I also had a bacterial vaginal infection. Well the discharge seemed to clear up then today while I was in the shower a pinkish piece of what looked like tissue came out...I have had no bleeding, and no cramps...should I be worried about this?
It's probably related to the spotting. I'd still call you dr just to be sure.
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>
I freaked out and went on in to the doctor cause I got tired of waiting for them to call me..they checked the baby's heartbeat which is fine and said anything pink or brown is nothing to be alarmed about...phew, I tell ya, when you've had previous miscarriages, just about anything can scare ya...I'm glad I went though so I could have the peace of mind I needed. Thanks for listening ladies and offering your're always a great help :-)