Birth Story ( a little late & long) pictures included :)
I read the board a lot on my iphone, but rarely post. All of you ladies provide great advice, food for thought, and entertainment (love the baby & bump pics).
On a Wednesday I went in for my 36 week appt (I was 35-1/2 weeks pregnant). I wasn't dialted or progressing yet--everything was normal in that aspect, but my blood pressure was high. I was sent to the hospital for testing and diagnosed with mild preeclampsia and put on bedrest. Three days later I didn't feel right, my blood pressure was 215/110.
I was admitted to the hospital Saturday night and I now had severe preeclampsia. They needed to get my blood pressure down so they started me on magnesium sulfate. It keeps your body from having seizures and they hope also lowers your blood pressure. After 12 hours and my blood pressure not dropping they decided to induce (pitocin). So, it's Sunday (Halloween) and I am dialated to 5. My blood work comes back and my it shows that my kidney and liver aren't doing so well. Also, Jackson was having abnormal heart rhythms. The doctor decided we didn't have time to wait and a c-section was scheduled immediately.
It was a good thing a c-section was scheduled. The umbilical cord was wrapped around Jackson's shoulder, waist, and leg. Someone was watching out for both of us. Looking back, I believe there was a reason he came 4 weeks early and that was a c-section. Jackson was a healthy 5 pounds 12 ounces and 20 inches. He was a little thin, but besides that he was healthy--and we were so blessed!!! He's 5 weeks old and now almost 9 pounds.
I don't know if it is related to my high blood pressure around his delivery, or the fact that he was early, or that I lost 38 pounds within 10 days of delivery, or if it just wasn't meant to be--but I was planned on nursing him (and I did the first 5 weeks, we just stopped on Saturday). My milk supply never peaked. I met with three different lactation consultants, was taking fenugreek, feeding 8 times a day with an SNS system , and pumping 8 times a day and still I would pump less than a 1/4 of an ounce. From day 1 at the hospital where he was early he has been on formula. ( I would nurse, he would have a bottle, then I would pump...repeat 8 x's a day). Did anyone else have any similar experiences with nursing--and have better luck on their next pregnancy, just curious???
Now for the fun part pictures...
This last one was taken Sunday, he is filling out :)
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled