TTC after Mirena
So I had my Mirena IUD removed on Oct 30 and spotted for a couple days after but that was expected, I also had a pap done at the time of removal. We have been TTC but I haven't had an actual period since the removal, therefore haven't been able to chart or bother with ovulation tests, I have taken two tests at home, both with negitive results. My question is to thoes of you who have had experience with the Mirena, how long did it take for fertility to return, and how long should I go with no period before consulting my GYN? I really never expected this because I got pregnant twice within a 3 month period while trying to concieve my son ( first pregnancy resulted in miscarrage). Anyway any insight would be greatly appreciated!
I had a copper IUD for 10 years. I had regular periods and such. My time line was up with it so I got Mirena placed in July '09. I had it taken out in March '10. We waited until May to begin trying because of insurance reasons. I conceived on like our first try. I didn't have Mirena very long though and my cycles were still pretty regular. I think a lot has to do with how the hormones affected your cycles and pinpointing your ovulation date.
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>
Hang in there, everyone is so different. I still have my Mirena! So, just goes to show ya if you're going to get pg and didn't have issues conceiving before you'll be fine. Stop trying so hard and I bet it'll happen. Good Luck!
I delivered 6 weeks early a 5lb 15oz lil boy:) After spending 2 months on bed rest in the hospital and Mason spending 11 days in the NICU, we're both home and doing great! Mason is getting bigger and gaining weight like he should. Now it's my turn to lose this weight! It's tough to get back on the band wagon...I CAN do this!
It took me about 2 months to conceive after mine was removed. If you were pretty regular with your periods before Mirena, I would talk to your MD about the fact that they haven't come back, once the Mirena is out things are supposed to return to normal very quickly.
Banded 03/22/06 276/261/184 (highest/surgery/lowest)
Sleeved 07/11/2013 228/165 (surgery/current) (111lbs lost)
Mom to two of the cutest boys on earth.