Thank You Shari!!! Any help, info or support along this horrible bumpy road is always appreciated!!!
I don't have any frozen embryos left. My first IVF was a fresh cycle, where they transferred 4 embryos. The 2nd one was a frozen one, where they transferred my other 4. So I have to start all over from the begining again! This time my RE is going to have the PGD pre genetic testing done on the embryos to make sure there aren't any other problems. It's another huge added cost, piled up on the alreayd huge cost, but it will let us know that we are transferring genetically normal embryos. From what I've been told it will also cut the misscarriage rate down to 5%. So hopefully this will be my cycle!
There are no problems with my hubby's swimmer, the problems all lie within me. I have a blood clotting disorder, cervical stenosis, and tested slightly high for the natural killer antibody cells as well. Luckily I have a great RE who is on top of things and always taking the more aggressive approach.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers! I need all the extra help I can get! This whole process is mentally, physically, emotionally and financially draining.. So it's always nice to have support! Thanks for keeping up this tread!!!!