Mommy's who have Cats at home with newborns..
Truthfully, my cats stay FAR away from my son. Even as a newborn they came close to inspect but soon backed away and never come near him now. If you have a jealous tendency cat then I'd keep an eye on that one, but I'd suspect your cats will be fine.
My other cat is really affectionate and loves to lay on laps, etc. He's never laid on my chest or face, though. I really can't imagine that he would smother the baby once she's here.
I have allowed my cats to investigate the baby's room and crib, but I keep the door closed the majority of the time.
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Cats are pretty good around babies actually. They turn into little "mommies". They are just curious because of the new bed and checking it out. If anything if they do decide to be napping partners you will see they will stay away from their face etc...basically sleep by their feet. If they do get close by their face dont shoo them away, they are sniffing out the new owner, checking the smell out. They have to do a meet and greet with the baby too. The cats will be a cheap source of entertainment when baby gets older especially when start to crawl.
My cat I had when my baby brother was born, she crawled into his bassinet and fell asleep. Mom went to put him in there she thought she would move, yeah she did. Just enough to let him in to cuddle with. She arched around him not by his face. When he woke up, she sat up and meowed and when I went to get him she followed me to make sure he was good.
As for the bouncy seat, they avoid em.
With cats they are finnicky, you cant "ban" them it will just make them mad and totally resent the baby...Cats will not suffocate. Watch what happens when your baby gets sick and see how protective they will get of her. If they try laying down beside her, let them. Why? Like I said earlier they turn into mommies, plus cats help make the "hurt" go away.
As for the protective mommies they turn into, my moms cat alerted me when my son was having an asthma attack. She was meowing at me and making me follow her and she went and sat by him and watched diligently over him til i got him picked up. He was 2.5months old.
Sorry got on a tangent...
Dont worry, it will be ok.