fertility meds question
First, he did an HSG (hysterosalpingogram) to check that my tubes were open. And he tested my hubby sperm. Everything was fine.
Our next step was to do IUI with just clomid, trigger shot, & progesterone. No pregnant.
2nd cycle was IUI with clomid, follistim injections, trigger shot & progesterone. Not pregnant
3rd cycle was the same as 2nd (except a slight increase in follistim)- pregnant
Wait one cycle
4rd IUI with same as 3rd - not pregnant
wait one cycle (was traveling) pregnant on my own
Ectopic - methotrexate to take care of ectopic
HSG to check that tubes were clear
Waiting for next period to start to resume IUI and pregnant on own
Aiden is now 3 months old
Good luck!!
My husband had a semen analysis that determined low motility and high abnormal sperm. He was put on an antibiotic and re-tested 2 weeks later with much better results.
I was prescribed Prometrium to bring on my period and Clomid 50mg days 3-7. I finished the Clomid on Saturday and I should be ovulating by this weekend.
Depending on if we get pregnant this cycle or not, we will go forward with an IUI next month if need be. We want to try to conceive on our own first with just the Clomid.
Ask as many questions to the Dr. as you need to, call the office if you forget something after you've left, and keep on going. Amazing things happen and a lot of these ladies on this message board can attest to that.
Good luck to you.
Thanks for telling me your history as well. I went to the dr today and she prescribed me Clomid to be taken days 5-9. The first time we did a semen analysis on my husband it was just 5 hours after we had sex. So his sperm count was normal but he had a very low sperm volume. The Dr says this could be abnormal due to the fact that we had sex so recently. However she wants to redo his sperm analysis and says that if it is his norm then she will refer me immediately to a fertility specialist and I should consider IUI pretty quickly. If the test was abnormal and the next test shows normal volume then she is going to leave me on Clomid for 3 months to try to conceive on my own before referring me elsewhere. According to my Dr. this far everything looks perfect so I really am hoping this medicine does the trick. I don't know, the way the Dr. was talking though she make it seem like there wasn't a huge chance of that happening. She said something like Clomid is mainly to make sure you ovulate and since I am very regular with my periods, and my ultrasound showed signs of a recent ovulation, then she wasn't sure how much help Clomid would be but we would try. Soooo ... I'm just kinda frustrated and feel like there isn't hope and I'm just beginning. Blah, I just need to think about something else.
Oh on a side note - I know it obviously depends but approx how much does a IUI cost? Our insurance pays for the diagnosis or infertility but not the treatment of. Knowing that an IUI is probably in my future I just want to know what sort of financial situation to prepare for. Thanks.
I wanted to wish you good luck!!! The best thing you can do is soak up as much information as you possibly can!!!
I'm about to start my 3rd round of IVF. My Dr told me that she didn't think IUI would work for me and put me straight through to IVF. 5 years ago I had a bad miscarriage that serverly damaged my cervix.
Because with IVF the fertility meds are so important and expensive, my Dr has me take them all as a shot, instead of pills, just to make sure there isn't an absorbtion issue.
Hopefully you won't have to go down this road and the treatment you are doing will work for you!