Holy movement batman!!
For the longest time I wondered if I was ever going to start feeling the little guy in there moving around! Well, I got my answer starting yesterday. The movements I started with were a little bit more like flicks in the belly and were almost always to the right of my belly button (not to mention at the US that he kicked the probe as soon as she went over that area). I started to feel more and more thumps and what I was sure were kicks. Last night, my oldest stepdaughter asked if the baby was moving a lot. At the time, he was actually resting, but within a matter of minutes of her asking he was thumping me in the belly button area. About 2 weeks ago, I really started feeling movements, but they were more down low and now it's getting to be higher and higher up in my abdominal area. It seems like he's moving all over the place this week because I'm feeling things almost everywhere. The girls wanted so badly to feel him moving, so they started poking and touching my belly. It was so funny because almost instantly after they would touch me he would either kick or poke where their hands were or were still at. It was so stinkin cute and they were all 3 so amazed and excited. Landen is definitely reacting to his little sisters. When they come around and talk ot touch me, he seems to perk up and be alive with movements in there.
So, my 1st question is this- around 23-24 weeks did movements really start to increase for you? It seems like he never sleeps anymore EVER! He seemed to be forever in motion yesterday and today he was beating me up again from the inside even as I was driving down the road LOL I'm enjoying every second of it, but there are times I do wish he would settle. The NP at my dr's office thought he might be more of a chilled baby since I wasn't really feeling all that much even up to my 20 week appointment, but that all changed yesterday!!! :) My 2nd question is what is the anatomically correct position of the baby at this point in the process?? When I had my US done at 21 weeks, he was very low with head down and butt in my belly button. I know they say the move a lot during this stage, but is there a way to tell where which end of baby is located?? I'm starting to wonder because I'm thinking the thumps I'm feeling up high are hiccups and his head is up and the movements down low are much stronger and I'm thinking it's him kicking me...any ideas???
Thanks ladies! Hope you're all doing well and having a great week!! :)
So, my 1st question is this- around 23-24 weeks did movements really start to increase for you? It seems like he never sleeps anymore EVER! He seemed to be forever in motion yesterday and today he was beating me up again from the inside even as I was driving down the road LOL I'm enjoying every second of it, but there are times I do wish he would settle. The NP at my dr's office thought he might be more of a chilled baby since I wasn't really feeling all that much even up to my 20 week appointment, but that all changed yesterday!!! :) My 2nd question is what is the anatomically correct position of the baby at this point in the process?? When I had my US done at 21 weeks, he was very low with head down and butt in my belly button. I know they say the move a lot during this stage, but is there a way to tell where which end of baby is located?? I'm starting to wonder because I'm thinking the thumps I'm feeling up high are hiccups and his head is up and the movements down low are much stronger and I'm thinking it's him kicking me...any ideas???
Thanks ladies! Hope you're all doing well and having a great week!! :)
Aww it's a really fun stage!! I for sure felt a lot more movements around 23-24 weeks. I could even poke at him to get him to move. He has a lot of room left in there so there is no one right position. He can flip around up until I believe 38 weeks! My baby flipped head down around 32 weeks. And then he stayed. I had a super active baby. And he stayed that way!
LOL! They get stronger! I first felt my daughter move around for sure at about 21-22 weeks. Then after 24 weeks it was constant every evening from 5 p.m.- 10 p.m. Now it's all day long and about every 30-45 minutes. The intensity will increase as your lil one grows larger and sometimes they can even become uncomfortable. If they get to be to much I just lay down on my side and relax. The discomfort goes away quickly and it's just so reassuring to know your baby is growing and moving about.
i am 31wks this week. Sounds like your little one is already recognizing voices. Mine does the same with his brothers and sisters and certain friends and his dad. As soon as hehears their voices or recognizes their pokes, he is up and at em! He is actually on a schedule which is kinda ok except for the middle of the night when he decides its time to party.
I could never tell what the hiccups were, UNTIL i actually seen him on the US to see them. They are very close together thumps. There is like a 3second delay in between the hics and ups...Like right now he is laying along my hip bone and kicking on my right side. He has been hanging out there the last couple of hours and really seriously, i would like to be able to turn at my waist lol.
The thing that kinda sucks, and is a blessing too is that my placenta is RIGHT IN FRONT. So that helps cushion most of the movements otherwise, WOW!!!
Just wait until he/she sucker punches you in the lungs...that will wake you up for sure.
Enjoy those movements!!
I could never tell what the hiccups were, UNTIL i actually seen him on the US to see them. They are very close together thumps. There is like a 3second delay in between the hics and ups...Like right now he is laying along my hip bone and kicking on my right side. He has been hanging out there the last couple of hours and really seriously, i would like to be able to turn at my waist lol.
The thing that kinda sucks, and is a blessing too is that my placenta is RIGHT IN FRONT. So that helps cushion most of the movements otherwise, WOW!!!
Just wait until he/she sucker punches you in the lungs...that will wake you up for sure.
Enjoy those movements!!