sharp pain in right side
it could be a couple of things, main thing could be gas. then if it is more so towards where your ovary like more severe than a period cramp and its a sharp pain that it hurts to move. I.E. twist bend etc, could be just the stretching of your uterus and things are shifting. NOW if it is a low dull coninous pain pain where is takes your breath away, and your woozie, nauseated goto the ER just to give it a check. Have you taken any tylenol to see if that will help "relax" the area to see if that helps? does it hurt to rub it or not so much that it feels good to rub it?
sorry, your pregnancy ticker isnt popping up for some reason so i cant see how far along you are.
sorry, your pregnancy ticker isnt popping up for some reason so i cant see how far along you are.
It's mostly a sharp pain that comes and goes. Have not taken anything for it. It does not like for me to rub it, makes it worse. I don't know if this is related but this morning when I was in the shower, I got really light headed and had to sit down on the side of the bath tub. I rinsed my hair and got out quickly because I was about to pass out. My legs and hands were shaking. I have never had that happen before.
I don't know why it's not popping up but I am 7 weeks.
I don't know why it's not popping up but I am 7 weeks.
I am just a lurker on this part of OH but please keep an eye on your symptoms and seek medical advise if it worsens. It reminds me of symptoms I had with a tubal pregnancy due to the pain location and colicky nature of what you describe.
Are you having any pain near or around the navel area also? Do you still have your appendix?
I am hoping it is just early ligament pain as that can feel similar. Pregnancy is sometimes so scary.
if you didnt get a chance to talk to your Dr., and you are still having this pain. I would go into the ER. There they can give you a check and see for sure what is going on. GOOD LUCK!!!
I wouldnt worry to much about gallbladder because if that were the case, the pain would be more so up by your pouch.
As for your symptoms, it could mean many different things. The lightheadedness, dizziness etc, i got during my first part of pregnancy. I was standing in my shower and about passed out. Couldve been my blood pressure bottoming out, being up for so long, or the combination of all along with the heat. You are at that "tricky" stage.
The sharp pain tho, does have me concerned. especially as to where you say it is. It could be something simple, or something more. Can never be to safe.
I wouldnt worry to much about gallbladder because if that were the case, the pain would be more so up by your pouch.
As for your symptoms, it could mean many different things. The lightheadedness, dizziness etc, i got during my first part of pregnancy. I was standing in my shower and about passed out. Couldve been my blood pressure bottoming out, being up for so long, or the combination of all along with the heat. You are at that "tricky" stage.
The sharp pain tho, does have me concerned. especially as to where you say it is. It could be something simple, or something more. Can never be to safe.
I just got back from the ER. I called and talked to my dr's nurse and they advised that I go get checked just to be sure. Did the normal exams and then took me for an ultrasound. Had to do an internal one, but it wasn't bad. They verified that the baby is in the right place (they were worried about a tubal) and everything looks good. Got to see the heart fluttering, very cool. I am measuring smaller than my dates suggest. By the dates, I am 7 weeks, 3 days but by measurements of the baby, I am 5 weeks, 3 days. I have an appointment on Thursday with my doctor so I will see what she says. Er doctor said that the pain is from a cyst on my right ovary. Said it's common and should go away on it's own.
I am glad that I went just to make sure that everything is fine. Thanks to all of you for your replies.
I am glad that I went just to make sure that everything is fine. Thanks to all of you for your replies.