got the go ahead to start trying again
Hello, Got the go ahead from the dr on tuesday to start trying again. I had the strangest thing happen to me. My period started on 30sept like it was soposed to and ended on 6th of oct and after it went off everything was fine. Then a week later on sat 10.16 i started bleeding again. I went to the ob/gyn and she said the bleeding was coming from my uterus. Anyway I had to go back this week and have a colpo and endo bx. Not fun at all. I am trying to figure out has this happened to anyone before and if it has when should I expect my period again? If I based it on starting 9/30 then my period should have started on 10/28 it did not. Not pregnant. Any thoughts or suggestions. Glad to hear all the positive stuff on here.
I had mid-cycle bleeding when I had a fibroid, but not unexplained mid-cycle bleeding. Since the test comes back negative, I'd just guess that you would count from the 2nd time bleeding? Hopefully that works out in the next week or so and AF comes back...if not, ask the dr...there are meds that can get your cycle back on track.
Good luck TTC again. I hope you get a quick BFP with a super sticky, healthy bean. You've been through so much that the rest of us can't really even imagine.
Good luck TTC again. I hope you get a quick BFP with a super sticky, healthy bean. You've been through so much that the rest of us can't really even imagine.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled
Hi Holly, All the blood work for my horomones were fine. My iron was fine. don't know. She does not think its something to worry about. I just did a colpo and endo biopsy and next week I do an ultrasound. So I know all is well. And I can't wait to be pregnant again. I am praying for you also. How is it going with you?
I had a point where I was getting a period every other week! I was on a full week and off a full week, then all over again! I was so white you could almost see through me (well maybe not that bad). I had to take double the iron, and I went to the doctor, they could not figure out what was happening or causing it! It happened for about 4 months like that and then finally the doctor put me on the pill for 2 months to straighten out my cycle, and it did the job. I don't know if that may help.