So sad and frustrated (Mini Rant)
Just an update on me, cycle #1 back at TTC #1 was a bust. Had an unexpected positive opk on cd 14, think we missed the eggie due to it being a suprise and our timing was off for BDing this cycle. CD28 start spotting here and there, nothing major yet. All Hpt's are stark white
Now for my rant.....
My SIL calls last night, I ignore the phone cuz I am depressed that AF is on her way. She left a message saying that she is just phoning to say HI and nothing is wrong on her end, give her a call tomorrow (today). So I get DH to call, after all it is his sister, to see what was up. They chat for a few minutes than she announces that my niece is expecting #3 in May. WTH, why would I want to know that when she knows very well that I just had a mc 8 weeks ago, do the math and my Niece got pregnant around that time. This just killed me today. I have been moping all day!!! Some ppl just don't know when to keep things to themselves. My Niece already has a stepdaughter 16, another daughter 11 and a son 6. Now she is starting over and needs everything. I truely believe that is why her mom called today, one to give the news (btw no one knows so don't spread it we are told) and two she was here about 6 weeks ago and seen all the baby stuff I have here from carseats, crib, bassinet, playpen, high chair, stroller, exersaucer, change table, etc. Yes it is all for when we eventually have kids HOPEFULLY, but it is used and I have collected it for our use and right now I use the stuff for daycare needs. I think she was hoping that I would loan the stuff to her daughter since we don't have kids. BIG FAT NOPE!!! She doesn't take care of things and again I am using it at this time. Am I being selfish because my feelings are crushed or am I just *****y?
Well thanks for listening!!! Just down in the dumps!!!
A word of advice...put the baby stuff away. Box it up and put it in an attic, or basement, or wherever. It is not doing you or DH any good to look at this stuff. I started buying stuff very early too. But I just boxed it up and put it in the garage. I will not be taking it out until after I am at least 30 weeks pregnant again.
If anyone else tries to give you anything, politely decline. I know it's awesome to save money or get free stuff, but it's not worth the emotional toll.
You will get to use the stuff eventually. Just don't focus on it right now. PM if you want to chat.
P.S Tell them yard sale season is coming up in the spring :)
Hang in there. I'm sorry you are having a hard time.
I would just tell your SIL that the stuff you have is put aside for your own purposes and leave it at that. You don't owe her daughter the free use of anything. I am the type - and I think most of us are - that we'll give away whatever we have to someone who truly needs it, when we have it to give...but I just find it very tacky for people to basically come to your house and brouse through it like a second hand store/charity shop deciding what they can/can't use and (whether hinting or outright asking) letting you know what it is they'd like you to 'give' them. Doesn't matter if it was done over the telephone this time...she knows what you have and what her daughter's going to's still brousing.
I pray you get the opportunity soon to use these baby things for your own little one.
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Mom to Khaled