2WW again!!!
My CD one was oct. 5th... I remember seeing you post yours and thinking we were on ( very close to) the same cycle.... but I think I ovulated on oct. 19thish (judging from counting days and EWCM)... am I doing something wrong or are you a late ovulater?? My AF is due Nov. 1st and I'm dying for a BFP this time... it's only our 2nd cycle TTC so I'm trying not to get my hopes up just yet!
I have my fingers crossed for you!
I have my fingers crossed for you!
I ovulated late this cycle. I'm on clomid so it should have been a week or so earlier, but I'll go with it! It is our second cycle as well and I'm ready!! fertilityfriend.com says I ovulated on the 25th, but according to the OPK's I ovulated the 26th or 27th soooooo I'm not sure! I'll be looking for your BFP!!!! Good luck!!!!